It has been a very long time since I've built a PC. So long mITX and mATX weren't really options then. I'd love someone to help me with a small form factor build that would be "middle of the road gaming." The budget is around $1000-$1200.
I'd like to stick to Intel and Nvidia. I'd prefer to shop at NewEgg but Amazon is fine too if it involves savings (or somewhere else if there is a newer place). I don't plan to overclock. One other rub, if possible, I'd like to get 16 GB of ram.
Thank you in advance!
I'd like to stick to Intel and Nvidia. I'd prefer to shop at NewEgg but Amazon is fine too if it involves savings (or somewhere else if there is a newer place). I don't plan to overclock. One other rub, if possible, I'd like to get 16 GB of ram.
Thank you in advance!