I want advice on any last minute tips or recommendations
Approximate Purchase Date:today
Budget Range:$550-610 ish
System Usage from Most to Least Important:gaming,gaming,gaming
Parts Not Required: operating system
Preferred Website(s) for Parts:newegg.com
Country of Origin:USA
Parts Preferences:i5-2500, 8 gigs of ram, 6850
SLI or Crossfire:no
Monitor Resolution:1900x600 or a little higher
Additional Comments:I want advice on any last minute tips or recommendations
Here's what I've come up with so far:
i5-2500 $210
powercolor 6850 $160
nzxt gamma case $36
corsair builder 500w power supply and corsair xsm3 2x4 RAM combo $93
sony dvd burner and saegate 500gb hdd $54
Asrock H61-VS motherboard$55
total: $608
I want advice on any last minute tips or recommendations
Approximate Purchase Date:today
Budget Range:$550-610 ish
System Usage from Most to Least Important:gaming,gaming,gaming
Parts Not Required: operating system
Preferred Website(s) for Parts:newegg.com
Country of Origin:USA
Parts Preferences:i5-2500, 8 gigs of ram, 6850
SLI or Crossfire:no
Monitor Resolution:1900x600 or a little higher
Additional Comments:I want advice on any last minute tips or recommendations
Here's what I've come up with so far:
i5-2500 $210
powercolor 6850 $160
nzxt gamma case $36
corsair builder 500w power supply and corsair xsm3 2x4 RAM combo $93
sony dvd burner and saegate 500gb hdd $54
Asrock H61-VS motherboard$55
total: $608
I want advice on any last minute tips or recommendations