Advice needed before purchase


Jun 13, 2015
Currently, I own a Technicolor TG589n v2 (modem/router) and i'm encountering problems on online gaming with it. Opened all ports basically but they appear closed. Even on certain games geting disconnected randomly.
Well basically would like to know about or a combo router modem as I already have or separate devices however always something cheap and better then the one I own.
Thanks in advance.
The disconnects is a different problem.

If the current router has a DMZ option try that. If you are using a pc load wireshark on it. You want to have pretty much nothing else running or you will get way too much traffic. What you want to see is if you see packets come in from the internet to your machine on those ports. Your machine will not respond but it will show if they packets get through the router or not.

Check that the WAN ip you get is the same as sites like whatsmyip report. You may not have a public IP address which means the NAT is being done in a router the ISP controls and the port forwarding would have to be done there which of course they won't do.

The only way to fix that problem is likely to pay the ISP for a public address if they offer it.
opening the ports is for hosting. is that your goal? a lot of games are on dedicated servers. stuff like COD is still player hosted.
even if you're not the host you shouldn't get much lag with a good connection.

are you on wifi or powerline? does your router have a bandwidth monitor? make sure it's not maxed during your disconnects.
testing as the only client wired in wifi off is a good start.

So basically my router does not have a DMZ option, and between Pc, PS4 and Router there's a switch.
The public Ip is the same as it shows in the router. Years ago I had a netgear as a modem/router and i could easily open ports and to prove that my ps3 (that time) had always NAT 1 on... now with this I have NAT 2 and packet loss while gaming mostly on Destiny 2. Nothing changed from my ISP side, just upgraded my internet speed.. that's all


Destiny 2 is the same like COD then, but the problem is that on the first Destiny title, NEVER EVER had a drop in connection... and now in the second title Cannot even make an assault with a party OF JUST 3 cause it will kick me out.
Yes i'm cabled from my router throughout a switch that splits for my PC/PS4. Nope I know that when I do start playin i am the only user on using internet at that time... and for sure no lagg.


Does the lag only start when other people get online at your home?

On Fifa, for example yes... but i know about it.
However on Destiny 2 it's constant... and it frustrates me