Advice Needed For Upgrading


Jun 10, 2018
Hi, I'm seeking to find a good upgrade to my dinosaur PC. My PC is pretty old but it's still kicking and I want to get a new GPU in it. I'll list my known system specs below and the PC itself, if I could get any suggestions, I'd really appreciate the help!

PC: Dell Studio XPS 8500 (x64 bit) (OS Win 10)
CPU: Intel-Core i7-3770 @ 3.40GHz Quad-Core TurboBoost 3.90GHz
GPU: AMD Radeon HD 7570
RAM: 8GB Installed
PSU: Standard PSU in 8500 450W
(UPDATE!!} I finally got the part names for other components.
Motherboard: Dell 0NW73C
Drive: WD Blue 1TB
RAM: 8GB DIMM DDR3 @ 1600MHz

Looking at a GTX 1050Ti as a replacement GPU.
Look at the psu data plate.
It should say the wattage or at least the 12v amps.
I would expect it to be 300w.
If so, the strongest gpu you can install will be a GTX1050ti.

Past that, you are looking at a concurrent psu upgrade.
I agree with geofelt, your PSU will probably hold you back. Most of the OEM PSUs are not too great. As for upgrade, I would start with a GPU and maybe 8gb more of RAM. Your 3770 is still a decent CPU.

Here is a good price on a RX 580 that comes with 3 games. After rebate it cost $189 and that is a very good price.

If you go with a RX 580, you will need a new PSU. Here is a budget PSU that is not a bad price.

PCPartPicker part list:
Price breakdown by merchant:

Power Supply: Corsair - CX (2017) 550W 80+ Bronze Certified ATX Power Supply ($27.98 @ Newegg)
Total: $27.98
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2018-09-22 14:41 EDT-0400
On page 39 of the owners manual.
They mention attaching the GPU power cable. XPS was a multimedia/gaming series of computers. It should have a 460W PSU.
The one listed here has 2- 6pin 75W PCIe power cables. This equals 1-8pin 150W connector.
This sounds about right since a Dell 375W PSU has 1. If you have those cables you should be able to run up to a 225W TDP GPU with 2x6, or 1x8 connector.
Don't go by the recommended PSU size. This allows for crappy aftermarket PSUs with bogus ratings. It would probably take a good 600W aftermarket PSU to equal what you already have.
Unfortunately there are 0 benchmarks for that system at maybe you could do a before and after run there to see how much improvement you get.
Lets just assume that your PSU would hold its ground... whether 300W or 460W.

Does it have the right connector aka 6-pin or 8-pin for the GPU? How about the rail? 300W/460W is the total, but how much Volt/W/Amp does that particular rail deliver?

Is your motherboard (Dell 0NW73C) compatible with the new graphics card? It is a pre-built computer, so BIOS update is doubtful.

You might just get more out of this by getting a new $20 case, a new $40 EVGA 600B PSU, and an used motherboard or try fishing a motherboard out at local stores/kjijiji... make sure they all run well. Then buy a new gpu in the coming Black Friday/Christmas sale.

In this case you can get the $250 RX 580 8Gb that is good for another 3,4 years (assuming your CPU, 1 x 8 GB Ram, new-used motherboard can last)

You are good.
GTX1050 does not need aux 6 pin power.
Neither does most GTX1050ti cards.
For fast action games, the GT1030 is probably the least card that can be considered a gaming card.
GT1030 does not need aux power too,

Pick the strongest card your budget will allow.
If you buy anything less, you will always be second guessing yourself.