Advice needed please for a 2x SSD setup


May 14, 2013
Hi everyone, I would really like some expert advice please on how to set up my PC.

So my current setup is the OS and all programs/apps installed on a 256GB SSD, with media and stuff on large capacity HDD's.
But today while in town I came across a PC shop that was closing down and selling stuff off "Cheap!" Unfortunately all the really awesome stuff had been sold, but I did manage to pick up a few things, and one of them was a 60GB SSD for just £20 or 30 dollars US! Bargain 😀

So my plan was to use it just for my games, but then I had a thought..... What if I installed just my OS (W7) on this new 60GB SSD and installed "All" programs/apps on my current 256GB SSD with a 100GB partition for my games. Would this work and if so I've never done this sort of thing before so I would like to ask a few things first.

First thing I would like to know is, if I do it this way, OS on the 60GB and apps & games on the 256GB, if I need to reinstall my OS can I just format and reinstall windows on the 60GB and leave all my games and programs as they are, I mean will they still work properly if the OS has been reinstalled???

Also would drivers for my graphics cards and stuff be stored on the OS drive or on my bigger programs drive???

The last thing is, I do a lot of downloading and as safe and careful as I try to be it's inevitable I'm gonna get little nasties like malware infecting my PC. Would something like malware or other viruses get in "ALL" drives or would they just infect the OS drive??? I ask because I was hoping to keep my games and programs safe so if I do get something nasty I wouldn't have to uninstall EVERYTHING and start from scratch.

Or would you recommend something different, like keep my 256GB for my OS and programs and just use the 60GB for games???

So what do you guys think, if anyone can offer me some advice I would really appreciate it.

Thank you for taking the time to read this,
Cheers everyone =)
no your games, drivers, etc, all would have to be reinstalled if you reinstall your os. you loose all that.

60GB is almost the minimum needed for an OS, so you would have to make sure you moved all your documents, pics, temp files, etc to another drive or it would get full and SSD's don't like to be full.

I would probably just keep the 60GB and install more games to it when you need room.
I wouldn't change your setup. You won't gain anything except having the OS on a different drive by re-installing the OS - which would mean re-installing applications, games, and drivers. If you were re-installing anyway, then I would do this, but I would just install the 60GB drive, and use it as additional storage. If you wanted to use junctions, you could move your games to the new drive. A program like SteamMover could easily do the moving.
Thanks for the quick reply.

🙁 Arhh that's a bummer! Can I ask though, why would all programs and games have to be reinstalled if I reinstalled windows if they are on separate drives??? I remember reading peoples posts on here where they said they have separate drives for OS and apps/games so they can reinstall windows without losing everything :??:
Sorry if that's a derpy question I'm not clued up in this area.

Thanks again
Oh right, I thought I had a great idea there for a minute lol.

So you guys think I should stay with my OS and programs/apps on the 256 drive (no partitions) and just use the 60GB for games???

Sorry one more thing. So if I had my OS and Apps installed on the 256GB drive and Steam and Skyrim installed on the 60GB drive plus 200+ mods for Skyrim. if I reinstalled windows, Steam, Skyrim and all the mods would still be on the 60 drive but I would have to install it all again, even all the mods.... everything???
I think all you would have to do is re-install steam,and then point steam to the game folder, and it will pick up all the mods. Also there is a steam utility that lets you backup your game folder so you can re-instal the OS, install steam, and then restore your games.