Advice on 1GB card vs 2GB

No. Unless you're gaming across multiple monitors, you're not going to require additional RAM... But if you're considering spending $150 over the cost of a 7770, why not go for a GTX 660ti with 2GB or Radeon 7950 with 3GB standard and call it a day?

GTX 660ti 2GB:

Radeon 7950 3GB:

What I'm trying to say is if you're going to spend the extra bucks ($150+7770cost around $150=$300ish), you're better off just getting a better card.
if you're playing games at 1600 resolution or above, even on 1 monitor, more than 1gig will be necessary if you turn up setting or want the game to play smoothly. but that will also depend on what card and the rest of the hardware involved.

1gig is thew new 512....................... sucked then, sucks now!

im not really sure why you are comparing 2gb vs 3gb when the question is 1gb vs 2gb. definitely not the same thing, at all.

with that said, no, it is not worth doubling(?) the price of a card for 1gb more of ram. though for 300 dollars you could get a better card all together, so the question itself is strange.

OP was asking if getting 2GB for $150 more than the cost of a 7770 (which runs around $150) is worth it. I'm saying if you're going to spend $300 on a GPU, it shouldn't be on a 7770. Go for a 660 ti with 2GB already or a 7950 with 3GB already and call it a day.
For the 7770, id go 2gb as the only one i see is the asus dierct CUII and well if i can id get that for its cooling and build quality, but beside that id say go 2gb if ur going to crossfire them, as with my 1gb 6770, i cant rlly go up to ultra on certain games due to vram, but if no crossfire and only 1080p 1gb will be fine. If crossfire both cards need to be the 2gb card so thats where $300 comes in and then u could just get a 660ti or 7950 as mentioned, unless u have one alrdy at 2gb, if u have a 1gb card then the 2gb card will run at 1gb in crossfire

For the cost of the 2gb 7770, u can get a 2gb 7850 for $15 more ish