[SOLVED] Advice on a budget VR PC?


Jun 4, 2016
Just copying and pasting this from PCPartPicker. And added like 5 extra words or something too.

"So I'd bought a computer from my mom's workplace early last year (they were replacing the computers) and in the computer was an i5-4570S. I'm planning on pairing this with both parts I have from my old computer as well as used/new parts as an upgrade from my current computer (FX 6300, GTX 950 2GB, 8GB).

My current idea is the i5-4570S, an RX 480 4GB, and 8GB RAM. (https://pcpartpicker.com/user/NoCh33zy/saved/g2TYgs)

Would this be viable for getting into VR? My friend recently got me into it, and I'm considering getting the Samsung Odyssey+. I don't plan on playing too much VR games, primarily just VRChat, Superhot, Beat Saber, Pavlov? And this other game about bartending and shooting but I don't remember the name. Besides VR, it'd also be used for light gaming (TF2, L4D2, Minecraft, League of Legends), web browsing, and homework.

Any advice? Thank you!"

It sounds very ridiculous but I'm trying to build the computer for as cheap as possible lol (I might just slowly upgrade over time too, unsure- a GTX 950 should be able to handle VRChat right? ;w; I don't plan on playing VR frequently either)