Advice on Build - 1400-1700 budget


Nov 23, 2014
Looking for some advice on the current build here it is currently:\

Right now on cyberpowerpc I have the exact build for 1,701 with shipping?

basically I will be doing mostly gaming (most new titles) and medium to heavy excel/access/SQL

I would like something that will last for 3-5 years with minimal upgrades.

Thanks for any feedback/adjustments.

Three things, and just my opinion here for saving some dollars on, without sacrificing performance or your overall objective for your build:

-1 Look at 2TB or 3TB drives vs 4TB. Price differential is MASSIVE, unless you really need that xtra 1-2TB now. You can always install an additional internal drive later.

2- GPU... I'd look at the Gigabyte G1 and MSI Gaming 970's before the EVGA model(s). Higher out-of-the-box clock speeds (the EVGA FTW) does not necessarily translate to being a better card. The Gigabyte and MSI have better cooling solutions and have 8+6 pin power connections for better power to the GPU. This translates into a more stable and efficient stock and OC for the card. Check out reviews comparing...
If you plan on building then the one you link would be perfect for you and will last years if you can push your $1700 budget.

You said you had something on cyberpowerpc though. If its prebuilt dont bother. Theres always a huge markup & would get a much better system for the price.

The only thing bad with the pcpartpicker you linked is that the PSU is way overkill. You could run that whole system on a good 650w and still have room for Overclocking.

If you want I can try making a build that better suit your budget. Just ask.

Three things, and just my opinion here for saving some dollars on, without sacrificing performance or your overall objective for your build:

-1 Look at 2TB or 3TB drives vs 4TB. Price differential is MASSIVE, unless you really need that xtra 1-2TB now. You can always install an additional internal drive later.

2- GPU... I'd look at the Gigabyte G1 and MSI Gaming 970's before the EVGA model(s). Higher out-of-the-box clock speeds (the EVGA FTW) does not necessarily translate to being a better card. The Gigabyte and MSI have better cooling solutions and have 8+6 pin power connections for better power to the GPU. This translates into a more stable and efficient stock and OC for the card. Check out reviews comparing these three cards and decide for yourself. The G1 is about $369-$379 and the MSI is about $349.

3- OS... Windows 8.1 will save you some $ vs. Windows 7 Pro, unless you need features in Win7 Pro that Win 8.1 is lacking. Win 7 pro has no advantages in gaming. In fact, Win 8.1 seems to be the better OS overall and newer titles, seem to favor 8.1. There are reviews comparing these OS's as well.

Hope this helps...
