Advice on building pc


Feb 12, 2015
Hi, I d like some opinions on choosing psu and a full atx motherboard for my pc.

I have the following:

Gigabyte nvidia gtx970 windforce
i7 4970K
HGST IDK Deskstar 3.5 inch 3TB Internal Hard
Sandisk Ssd 120gb.
16 gb kingston hyper x

I m not going to use more than one graphics cards. I ll use the pc mostly for photoshop/ corel painter. I had multiple issues in past years with PSUs and motherboards so I d like a system that is not prone to crashing while I m designing something. I m thinking of getting the following:



I m new in pc building and I d like to know if the mb can support 6 usb3 ports, 5.1 or 7.1 sound, if there are any compatibility issues and offcourse if anyone has any other suggestions. Should I choose asus mark1 instead of mark 2?

Thanks in advance for your time!
Yes 6 SATA ports and up the 8 Channel sound, the Mark 2 is a good mobo, can see more specs and compare their different mobos here:

Odd, your PSU link isn't working for me, but will want at least a good 500 Watt PSU that has at least 28 AMPs on the 12 volt line

Τhanks for the answer.
The psu is Corsair RMi Series RM650i PFC 80+ Gold modular 650 Watt. (114 euros on

One last question. It seems my old motherboard is not broken so I will have to buy only a psu. Will everything be ok concerning the cables, the connection etc. between the psu and the old mb (Gigabyte z97x - ud3h)?

*About the cpu.. I meant 4790K.