I checked out Tom's Hardware Report titled, (The Mother of All CPU Charts Part 2 ) and focused on the Intel CPU's (550, 640, 540, and 630).
These Benchmark Charts are confusing me. In almost every Encoding Video, Audio, and Synethetic Chart... it shows the 540 beating the 640. How can that be? In one of the last charts, it shows the 540 beating, in order (The 560,550, 640, and 630). The 540 beating the 560 and 550, that's got to be wrong, those CPU's are of the same class, what the heck?? That chart is labeled (Wstream Memory Performance - "Add"), if you want to check that one out.
So my question is, are these correct? I would really like to purchase one of these four processors, but these charts have me so confused. The only charts that make since in this report, are the first eight or nine charts that refer to 3D game performance. These 3D-Game charts show the 550 and 640 beating the 540 and 630 (that makes more since to me.