Advice on upgrading my CPU?


Jul 2, 2013
Ok, so I have an Intel Pentium G645 Dual Core(Sandy Bridge 2.9ghz) paired with a Radeon HD 7750 (Because I have a small PSU)
and I'm thinking of upgrading to something with some more processing power. The only two cards that are in my price range that are compatible with my mobo are the i3-3220(3.3ghz) and i3-3240(3.4ghz) both Ivy Bridge. Both are dual core with quad core hyper threading.
My question is would it be worth upgrading to an i3 processor from the pentium? Since the 3240 has .1 more ghz than the 3220 so would it be worth the extra $5? (it's cheaper on amazon) Even though the 3220 seems to be much more favorable from the reviews. I'm hoping to get at least a 60-100% boost from upgrading which seems like what these cpu's will get me. Thanks for any advice 😀
A mere $5 for 100MHz seems worthwhile to me.
Especially if it is for games, I'd do this upgrade. How much of a boost you'll get will depend on your games, many of which are most likely GPU-bound, but your minimum frame rates in particular should go up, which can make a very noticeable difference. What games do you play?

I play TF2 a lot (with everything on high except models on medium and bloom disabled) with 80-160 frames, but I like other shooters like battlefield or blacklight retribution (both of which I can hardly play because of my cpu. It gets pushed to 90-100% load which is never good) Overall I'd just like something to boost my performance and make things run smoother. The main factors are how much the extra ghz and i3 processor will help I suppose.