Advice on upgrading PC parts


Nov 15, 2014

First off thanks for taking the time to read this.

Second, I am looking to upgrade some parts in my PC. I use my PC for a number of things Including Gaming, Video editing and VFX, and 3d modelling and animation.

I am not sure what the best thing for me to upgrade next would be, I feel like there could be a bottle neck in the processor and motherboard, but Id like to have people more knowledgeable than me give me some input.


Corsair 300R mid tower case.

Processor: i7 3770k

Video card: 7970 3gb sapphire dual-x

Mother Board: asus p8z77-vlx

32gb cosair ram 1600mhz

240gb SSD

3tb seagate HDD

Edit: 850w Power supply

I am using a dual monitor set up, one is 1080p the other is 1920x1200

I was also thinking of upgrading the graphics card to use cross fire with a r9 280x, but as I previously mentioned any help would be greatly appreciated.

asus p8z77-vlx does have its drawback that it is not a great overclocking motherboard for a i7 3770k. But if you're not overclocking the cpu, you will be fine.

Thanks for the fast reply, Yes I believe I have an 850w power supply.
So ill definitely consider the second graphics card.

The only reason I question the motherboard/processor, is because when I was building the pc I had to cut back on someparts and I remember the motherboard being one of them, is it worth looking into upgrading the motherboard only?

Thanks, Yea at this point im not overclocking it, I dont really have the right cooling system for it. thanks for your help!