Hello all I would like some input on this build. At the moment it's a dream build. I'm hoping to sell some things I don't use anymore to make it a reality. I don't want to go into the price range where things are starting to be a waste of money( performance/price curve) I want it to be a good computer for a good price given it's performance.
Parts Not Required: keyboard, mouse, monitor, speakers, OS
Plan to buy: WIth in the next few weeks, but the sooner the better, since I'm excited about this case
Preferred Website(s) for Parts: newegg.com, ncix, amazon, I’m open to most sites.
Country : San Diego, CA 92082
Purpose: -Purpose: gaming, and CS homework is about all I do
Current Build(rough draft):
Here are the parts I'd really like to get (first attempt, it will change. I like to check in with the community regarding the build)
[PCPartPicker part list](http://pcpartpicker.com/p/MsJLwP) / [Price breakdown by merchant](http://pcpartpicker.com/p/MsJLwP/by_merchant/)
sorted from the items I am most enamored with first
Components I'm pretty much certain I want
**Motherboard** | [Asus Z97I-PLUS Mini ITX LGA1150 Motherboard](http://pcpartpicker.com/part/asus-motherboard-z97iplus) | $154.99 @ Amazon
**Case** | [EVGA Hadron Mini ITX Tower Case w/500W Power Supply](http://pcpartpicker.com/part/evga-case-110ma1001k1) | $144.99 @ NCIX US
components I'm almost there/sure
**Video Card** | [EVGA GeForce GTX 760 4GB Dual FTW ACX Video Card](http://pcpartpicker.com/part/evga-video-card-04gp43768kr) | $284.99 @ Newegg
**NOTE: I am thinking about going for the 2gb version for $40 less, IDK which to do, but $20 per GB for the upgrade doesn't seem bad.
**CPU** | [Intel Core i5-4670K 3.4GHz Quad-Core Processor](http://pcpartpicker.com/part/intel-cpu-bx80646i54670k) | $219.99 @ Newegg
components I'm not sure of
**Storage** | [Corsair Force LS 60GB 2.5" Solid State Drive](http://pcpartpicker.com/part/corsair-internal-hard-drive-cssdf60gbls) | $59.99 @ Amazon
-I don't know much about storage
**Storage** | [Western Digital BLACK SERIES 500GB 2.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive](http://pcpartpicker.com/part/western-digital-internal-hard-drive-wd5000bpkx) | $58.99 @ NCIX US
-I don't know much about storage. I typically stream videos, and my games won't fill this up.
not sure components
**CPU COOLER** -undecided
preferences- black in color
not sure- to go h2o or n2
-quiet > loud
**RAM** - undecided
-mobo memory capabilities (2 x DIMM, Max. 16GB, DDR3 3200(O.C.)/3100(O.C.)/3000(O.C.)/2933(O.C.)/2800(O.C.)/2666(O.C.)/2600(O.C.)/2400(O.C.)/2200(O.C.)/2133(O.C.)/2000(O.C.)/1866(O.C.)/1800(O.C.)/1600/1333 MHz Non-ECC, Un-buffered Memory )
I'm not sure where to go with this one. 8gb, or 16gb... what speed is optimal... etc etc (looks matter too)
| | **Total**
| Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available | $923.94
Overclocking: I’d like to
SLI or Crossfire: No, its an ITX build (small form factor is a priority)
Monitor Resolution: 1920x1080 1920x1080, I may hook it up to a projector or tv at some point.
Additional Comments:
-At this point I am just looking for guidance. I've been working on this dream build since yesterday.
- I don’t need anything top of the line, but I’d like it to be in the upper mid-range, and I hoping to build a great computer for a good price. I want to avoid making this build too expensive $20 at a time.
-I’d like the build to be balanced and built for its purpose.
-So, what do you think?
Parts Not Required: keyboard, mouse, monitor, speakers, OS
Plan to buy: WIth in the next few weeks, but the sooner the better, since I'm excited about this case
Preferred Website(s) for Parts: newegg.com, ncix, amazon, I’m open to most sites.
Country : San Diego, CA 92082
Purpose: -Purpose: gaming, and CS homework is about all I do
Current Build(rough draft):
Here are the parts I'd really like to get (first attempt, it will change. I like to check in with the community regarding the build)
[PCPartPicker part list](http://pcpartpicker.com/p/MsJLwP) / [Price breakdown by merchant](http://pcpartpicker.com/p/MsJLwP/by_merchant/)
sorted from the items I am most enamored with first
Components I'm pretty much certain I want
**Motherboard** | [Asus Z97I-PLUS Mini ITX LGA1150 Motherboard](http://pcpartpicker.com/part/asus-motherboard-z97iplus) | $154.99 @ Amazon
**Case** | [EVGA Hadron Mini ITX Tower Case w/500W Power Supply](http://pcpartpicker.com/part/evga-case-110ma1001k1) | $144.99 @ NCIX US
components I'm almost there/sure
**Video Card** | [EVGA GeForce GTX 760 4GB Dual FTW ACX Video Card](http://pcpartpicker.com/part/evga-video-card-04gp43768kr) | $284.99 @ Newegg
**NOTE: I am thinking about going for the 2gb version for $40 less, IDK which to do, but $20 per GB for the upgrade doesn't seem bad.
**CPU** | [Intel Core i5-4670K 3.4GHz Quad-Core Processor](http://pcpartpicker.com/part/intel-cpu-bx80646i54670k) | $219.99 @ Newegg
components I'm not sure of
**Storage** | [Corsair Force LS 60GB 2.5" Solid State Drive](http://pcpartpicker.com/part/corsair-internal-hard-drive-cssdf60gbls) | $59.99 @ Amazon
-I don't know much about storage
**Storage** | [Western Digital BLACK SERIES 500GB 2.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive](http://pcpartpicker.com/part/western-digital-internal-hard-drive-wd5000bpkx) | $58.99 @ NCIX US
-I don't know much about storage. I typically stream videos, and my games won't fill this up.
not sure components
**CPU COOLER** -undecided
preferences- black in color
not sure- to go h2o or n2
-quiet > loud
**RAM** - undecided
-mobo memory capabilities (2 x DIMM, Max. 16GB, DDR3 3200(O.C.)/3100(O.C.)/3000(O.C.)/2933(O.C.)/2800(O.C.)/2666(O.C.)/2600(O.C.)/2400(O.C.)/2200(O.C.)/2133(O.C.)/2000(O.C.)/1866(O.C.)/1800(O.C.)/1600/1333 MHz Non-ECC, Un-buffered Memory )
I'm not sure where to go with this one. 8gb, or 16gb... what speed is optimal... etc etc (looks matter too)
| | **Total**
| Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available | $923.94
Overclocking: I’d like to
SLI or Crossfire: No, its an ITX build (small form factor is a priority)
Monitor Resolution: 1920x1080 1920x1080, I may hook it up to a projector or tv at some point.
Additional Comments:
-At this point I am just looking for guidance. I've been working on this dream build since yesterday.
- I don’t need anything top of the line, but I’d like it to be in the upper mid-range, and I hoping to build a great computer for a good price. I want to avoid making this build too expensive $20 at a time.
-I’d like the build to be balanced and built for its purpose.
-So, what do you think?