Hey everyone. I currently have what I would personally consider a "higher end/budget" build for about $1000: http://pcpartpicker.com/user/WiggyWigster/saved/D68zK8. This build is above $1000 due to the monitor+keyboard etc but just check out the PC parts.
I was interested to find out whether there were any builds people could think of around $600-$800 that would play AAA games like Dragon Age Inquisition, Call of Duty, Fary Cry 4 and the upcoming Witcher 3 at 1080p and 60FPS+. I do not want to overclock or SLI GPUs
Please let me know any thoughts you have or if I am best suited to stick with this current build!
I was interested to find out whether there were any builds people could think of around $600-$800 that would play AAA games like Dragon Age Inquisition, Call of Duty, Fary Cry 4 and the upcoming Witcher 3 at 1080p and 60FPS+. I do not want to overclock or SLI GPUs
Please let me know any thoughts you have or if I am best suited to stick with this current build!