Advice regarding a new laptop

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Feb 3, 2014
I need to buy a new laptop and i need some answers regarding hardware.
I will be playing games like watch dogs, dragon age inquisition etc...
what should i look for ?
is i7 4500U with a nvidia gt 740 m or amd hd 8850 hd enough ? ty in advance

watch dogs seems to be a very demanding game
8850m better, for reference about 8850m, u can go into Tom's recent article:,3697.html

The Asrock one implement 8850m in it.

Quick Edit: I personally am using 740m and not very fond of it. Quick question tho, when will u need a new laptop? because Nvidia 800M series is just on the way and according to list of comparison of notebook graphic card, the new mainstream GT840m is amazing as it is listed above the 750m. Just imagine the performance increase. if u need it immediately then go for 8850. I personally am waiting for those 800m series before buying a new laptop.
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