Advise need for First Gaming PC


Oct 7, 2014
Hi everyone,

This is probably going to be my first gaming PC:

I just wanted to ask for peoples opinions, or anything you would change, to make sure I'm not making any foolish mistakes or unwise decisions.

Any help is appreciated.
You can save some money by stepping down to a Core i5-4690K and 8GB of RAM. You may be able to save some more money by using a 600-650W PSU, depending on the brand.

thanks for the quick reply ThatVietGuy. There where a few extra things I should have mentioned.

1. Im gonna be using this for rendering as well as gaming so I need to i7 and 16 gb of RAM - otherwise that would be a good idea

2. Because of the high loads (almost 100%) that im going to be putting on the hardware id like to have a bit of headroom with the PSU.

2 questions I'm hoping you can help with
a. what do you think of the peripherals, particularly monitor?
b. Is the WI-FI adaptor I've listed a good choice if my modem is on the other side of the house?
If you're rendering an i7 5820K or 5930K would be better than a quad core (but more expensive). On the HDD I've been using Seagate Barracudas since 2009 and they haven't ever died on me, plus they are usually a bit cheaper than the WD one you have for 1TB. My buddy has two 24 inch Benqs and it's a great monitor. Your case seems a bit expensive for that build (to me), a corsair 450D would be a good option to save some $$. I had issues with my wifi from upstairs giving a strong signal, so I got a wifi routers and slammed it downstairs which resolved that problem, even using USB wireless on the desktop. If you're going to be overclocking what cooler are you using?

Thanks for the help,
I didn't know that the PSU was so unreliable,
Do I even need a 750watt PSU or 650 be enough
In that case what do you think of this PSU

I would try and find the budget for an SSD... especially if you are spending that much already. Could you possibly downgrade your case and buy a 128GB Samsung EVO SSD. Would make hell of a difference!

Other than that, looking pretty OP and awesome!

Thanks for the Help Matt,

What case would you suggest?