C Counterpart7 Commendable Aug 15, 2016 41 0 1,540 May 10, 2018 #1 Its on a special right now .. i currently have a Cougar 700W bronze psu and this is 850W and gold rated ... i know it isnt a credible brand for psus generally speaking but yeah i couldnt find much info on it
Its on a special right now .. i currently have a Cougar 700W bronze psu and this is 850W and gold rated ... i know it isnt a credible brand for psus generally speaking but yeah i couldnt find much info on it
DSzymborski Curmudgeon Pursuivant Moderator Nov 19, 2010 21,127 5,272 106,640 May 10, 2018 #2 Why do you need so much output? In most PCs, a good 550W-650W is far better than a lousy 700-900W. I wouldn't trust any Andyson platform other than their high-end one, which this Bronze one is not. Upvote 0 Downvote
Why do you need so much output? In most PCs, a good 550W-650W is far better than a lousy 700-900W. I wouldn't trust any Andyson platform other than their high-end one, which this Bronze one is not.