Question Affixing the heatsink to the CPU ?

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Sep 16, 2017
Are there other ways to make something homemade to stick the heatsink to the cpu on the Pi 4 ?
There should not be any need for "homemade" unless there is some specific customization involved.

Much more information is needed about the build, the requirements, and circumstances.

What CPU? Other components? What documentation for installation and configuration is being used?

What heatsink is being used? How is the Pi4 being housed, etc...?

Are you able to take a couple of photographs showing the problem(s)?

If so, do so, and post the photographs here via imgur (
The short answer, "no"

For the heat sink to be effective, it has to absorb the waste energy from the device. Any kind of barrier (most adhesives) will act as a heat shield. A reputable seller of "Heat Sink Kits" will include the heat conductive paste. just a dab, squished as thin as possible (minimizing the distance between the device and heat sink) will to the trick. In the squishing, you will have pushed out all of the air and the heat sink will adhere because of the vacuum created.

Clamping the heatsink to the device is the next thing to do.

You can use two thermal epoxy to attach the heatsink to the CPUs heat spreader, this method is permanent. Thermal epoxy is pricy though,
Another less effective method is to use less expensive and common JB weld. Permanent as well but if you use a very small amount it should work just fine. I've used it in a pinch with good results.
My heatsinks came with thermally conductive tape on the downside ( 3M ). I have bought two different sets from different sites, one was alloy and the other was copper. So of course it's possible to stick the heatsink to the CPU. It's efficient enough to cool a PI 4 B properly. What do you mean by homemade ? If you want to you can ziptie a heatsink to a PI 4 , there's just no reason to do so and might be a lot less effective. I have a roll of thermally conductive tape ( I used it for sticking a heatsink to a hard drive once ). That's what I would use if the set doesn't stick anymore at some point.
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