After build testing help


Aug 5, 2014
I have just completed my very first computer build 😀 (part list)

Everything appears to be working fine, I have windows, all the drivers and some other things (like chrome) installed.
I have also downloaded HWMonitor to keep an eye on the temperatures.

So I have two questions:

1. using the stock cooler, my normal cpu running temps (not gaming, just browsing the internet and files etc) are usually between 38 and 48 degrees C. However, HWMonitor reports max cpu temperature to be anywhere up to 60 degrees C (it must be a very brief spike as I check it regularly and haven't noticed a spike yet). Is this normal and what temperatures are normal when gaming?

2. I've been reading about stress testing newbuilds and have come across conflicting opinions. Some people say that there would be no need to stress test my system as it is not overclocked, some people say to always stress test everything and some people say that you should never stress test with the stock cpu cooler. So my question is, should I stress test my cpu/gpu and if so with what and for how long?

Thanks for the help!
Yeah, there are a lot of peeps that have different views on a computer.

My view is since you aren't overclocking, there is no need to stress test because all the components are designed to work %100 guaranteed at their stock clocks.

And 60C is actually pretty good for that stock cooler, ususally it will be in the 70C. Even though that's high, it will be fine until you get a new cpu cooler.
Yeah, there are a lot of peeps that have different views on a computer.

My view is since you aren't overclocking, there is no need to stress test because all the components are designed to work %100 guaranteed at their stock clocks.

And 60C is actually pretty good for that stock cooler, ususally it will be in the 70C. Even though that's high, it will be fine until you get a new cpu cooler.

Thanks for the quick response, so while gaming I should expect it to be in the 70's? what is the maximum it should ever reach?

After playing games for a while, the max temperature reached was 72C. I will change the cooler soon but anything below 80C is ok right?