After fresh 8.1 install nvidia geforce won't install.


Jan 6, 2015
Hey so I just installed 8.1, I downloaded Geforce experience, agreed to terms and con. It downloaded updates and when installing it either goes on for a couple of seconds or just exits the program and says Nvidia installer failed.
I upgraded my board to asus hero viii alpha and switched the case. I have this card for over 2 years and never had trouble like this. Windows updates are installing no problem, I tried installing just the geforce driver and it works. Any help is greatly appreciated.

edit: Ok so I just discovered something very odd, after installing drivers from windows update I have had couple of weird items pop up on my HDD such as bootefi and couple of other folders (I have forget their names, I already removed them). I am 100% positive my os is installed on my SSD. I tried putting my HDD to offline mode and the geforce experience was stuck on preparing to install for ages. After I restarted my PC with my HDD still being offline I get the same error once again "installer failed" what the heck is going on. I unplugged my HDD when installing windows
@punkncat hey could you tell my why? I am genuinely willing to do everything to go back to my old ways. Did I install windows incorrectly? I have reinstalled my OS for the second time and I'm getting the same error. Have a look at my edit. I have downloaded the drivers manually and they installed. However Microsoft package and GF Experience could not be installed for unknown reason.