After installing New GPU, CPU gets hotter.


May 8, 2013
OH since I might already know the answer (Just making sure) I'll keep it short. CPU is getting hotter after NEW GPU install. I had a 660ti 3gb REFERENCE, now I have a 970 OC strix. GPU MAX I have seen once in 3 days is 61. It's usually 57. CPU used to max out around 38-40, now it reaches 43-51. Could it be because the Reference 660ti was blowing air out of the case and 970 Strix has two fans blowing air UP?????????? Would it actually make the temps of the CPU THAT much hotter? Also I have a hyper 212. Don't ask about airflow, don't ask about dust. No noob here just a paranoid <mod edit>. Anyone who wants to help mind my language and thank you in advance.

Turbo core AMD is not on.

Asus Sabertooth 990fx
970 OCed Asus Strix
8gb Crucial Ballistix
1tb 7200rpm harddrive
EVGA Supernova NEX750G
Samsung 120gb SSD

<Watch your language in these forums>
Lapping my 212 was worth 5 degrees (at idle and under full load), perhaps a modification worth considering if the temperature increase really bothers you. A push pull fan setup was worth another 1-2 degrees.

GPU can go up to usually 90c, so 61 is awesome and you can't compare to your old card.

CPU, 51 max on a 8350 is still good. It's max temp is 65.

And yes, if the GPU works different, it's going to affect the airflow in the case, sometimes good, sometimes bad. Sometimes doing something simple like adding a front fan or reversing your rear or top fan can have a big difference.
The 970 creates WAY less (Max 57) heat then the 660 ti 3gb reference. That cards MAX was 85 to the first who commenter (quote isn't working). I already have Push Pull with the hyper 212. I might do that lapping in the future instead of water cooling, it's cheaper. the air exhausted out of the fan is minuscule to what the 660ti pushed out cause reference designs closed BUT that gpu did get way hotter. Commenter #2 I knew the temp was a SAFE temp, I just don't like it that high in September, that means it will be higher in summer. I think i might lap it. Thanks Mr50h. Oh and I got you, you meant more heat IN the CASE! Thanks.

My Case has Max air flow.