AGP card Query



Archived from groups: alt.comp.hardware.homebuilt (More info?)

Got a new Soltek KT400A-C motherboard - on the AGP connector is a
label saying only insert 4x or 8x card - now in the BIOS the settings
for AGP are 2x, 4x 8x - from the BIOS I assume I can stick in a 2x AGP

not sure 100% sure if the card is 1.5v - however the connector on the
card has 2 notches which does mean it has both 3.3v and 1.5v. The AGP
card is a Diamond Stealth S520 8MB -

Now can I stick the card in the motherboard or will it fry the AGP
card and also damage the motherboard.

all help much appreciated


Archived from groups: alt.comp.hardware.homebuilt (More info?)

Watch your graphic card to see if it has jumpers to configure to 1.5V.

Only then you can connect it to the AGP slot.


"Zippy & Bungle" <> escreveu na mensagem
> Got a new Soltek KT400A-C motherboard - on the AGP connector is a
> label saying only insert 4x or 8x card - now in the BIOS the settings
> for AGP are 2x, 4x 8x - from the BIOS I assume I can stick in a 2x AGP
> card
> not sure 100% sure if the card is 1.5v - however the connector on the
> card has 2 notches which does mean it has both 3.3v and 1.5v. The AGP
> card is a Diamond Stealth S520 8MB -
> Now can I stick the card in the motherboard or will it fry the AGP
> card and also damage the motherboard.
> all help much appreciated