News AI can snoop on your computer screen using signals leaking from HDMI cables — researchers develop new AI model that enables using antennas for long...

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I find this amusing. Many years ago, the US DoD was concerned about similar "eavesdropping" of system digital emissions. Technically, there was some risk and there were actual mitigation strategies.

However, my argument was more practical (largely because of cost, weight, performance impacts, etc). If the bad guys were that close, we should be more worried about "terminal lead poisoning".

While the AI aspect of the article is novel, the overall issue is not.
No mention of Display Port?? DP signals are actually higher level than HDMI aren't they? So there would be more electromagnetic radiation from those cables.

{GoofyOne's 2c worth .... which may or may not be actually worth 2c}
There have been existing techniques for grabbing display images from EMF emissions from VGA, DVI, DP, and HDMI (AKA jacked-up single-link DVI) as long as those interfaces have existed. Throwing the AI buzzword at it is pretty pointless.
Having dealt with Tempest for many years this is NOT news. The KGB sitting in vans parked across the street from the target was recreating CRT displays from unshielded monitors many decades ago so this is absolutely nothing new at all.
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Finally! HDCP can be used in a way that isn’t solely to stymie consumers from using their own property!*

(* They’d still be looking at risks like electromagnetic radiation from other sources including the display itself.)
What about optical HDMI cables? I suppose they would still shed a bit of electromagnetic energy at the connectors.

Well that's it isn't it ... the ultimate conclusion everyone is coming to is that Tom's Hardware should get a kit and test out a whole bunch of cables :)

{GoofyOne's 2c worth .... which may or may not be actually worth anything at all}
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