AI System Scores Better Than 75% Of Americans In Visual Intelligence Test

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It is strange. I tried to find chat bots intelligent, and they were disappointing. I saw the succesor of one by Microsoft, but at last it isn't ready. Others were not very intelligent.
This is awesome though... I'd much rather have AI that's smarter than average humans and still dumber than the most intelligent humans...
This is pretty clearly a first step. It probably won't be long before the state of the art surpasses the level at which most humans can perform this task.

When AI's can do most cognitive tasks better than most humans, it might be the case that no single human can surpass the AI's at the majority of those tasks. That will be the beginning of the commoditization of intelligence.

It'd be ironic if droves of knowledge workers then start scrambling for the very service sector jobs they'd previously derided.
"AI System Scores Better Than 75% Of Americans In Visual Intelligence Test"

That's not setting the bar very high, especially given today's events.
I always sucked at tests like these. According to my scores in one I did two years ago (long story) I shouldn't even be able to use a computer/tie my own shoes.
That's why IQ tests are controversial. Intelligence is comprised of a variety of cognitive skills. So, you can't really have just one test, or one scale, for measuring it.

I'd guess most people have areas of strengths and weaknesses. I once heard that chess grand masters devote so much of their brain to chess, that they actually tend to develop mild cognitive deficits, in other areas.
Not a bad story regarding ai. One with slightly more irony, and humor, I can think of involves draft legislation in the E.U. for Europe's worker robots to become 'electronic persons', which would give certain robots "rights", among other things. A Reuters story explains, "Europe's growing army of robot workers could be classed as "electronic persons" and their owners liable to paying social security for them if the European Union adopts a draft plan to address the realities of a new industrial revolution."
Saying 75% of Americans is not a high bar, just looking at the streets in DC shows that there has been a large decline in overall intelligence in the USA for a long time.

But, glad to see some progression in the field, just try not to create Skynet...LOL.
actually I get the point. What's really interesting is the DRIVERLESS CAR software. They discovered it's like teaching a young child.

The car software has to break the world into processable objects, then determine what those objects are. Next, they had to figure out CONTEXT of the objects. BOY plus bike.

Oh, boy on bike.
Oh, boy on bike going down hill...
Oh, boy on bike going down hill... that may hit me? (stop car)
CogSketch is used to model spatial understanding and reasoning, making it suitable for research based on sketches, but also for testing against a standardized visual intelligence test such as the Raven’s Progressive Matrices test.

It's not very useful if they're coding for a test, which rightly describes the vast majority of AI work globally.

AI is one of many dodges designed to soak up tax dollars, nothing more.

Also not saying otherwise. Though, otoh, it maybe should be pointed out your spirit animal has yet to catch that bird, despite trying for over 40 years. =P

A fool thinks himself to be wise, but a wise man knows himself to be a fool.
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