AIM key on mouse

A lot of FPS players amp up the dpi on their mouses. The biggest downside to this is while sniping this high dpi can make it almost impossible to keep the crosshairs on the target because even the slightest flick of the wrist on a zoomed in camera will cause the aim to be wildly off. A good way to test this yourself is to take a camera and zoom it out as far as you can and try to take a picture with it; just breathing will make this a challenge because of how much the camera is moving. The "Aim" button on the mouse drops the dpi to a much lower number, usually around 800 or less, which makes lining up those head shots a lot easier when your native dpi is 6400.
Have you tried pressing it? 0.o

Probably just another programmable key that you can set to anything you want. Some games, like COD and Battlefield you have to hold a button to aim/zoom. This could be what it's preset to.
A lot of FPS players amp up the dpi on their mouses. The biggest downside to this is while sniping this high dpi can make it almost impossible to keep the crosshairs on the target because even the slightest flick of the wrist on a zoomed in camera will cause the aim to be wildly off. A good way to test this yourself is to take a camera and zoom it out as far as you can and try to take a picture with it; just breathing will make this a challenge because of how much the camera is moving. The "Aim" button on the mouse drops the dpi to a much lower number, usually around 800 or less, which makes lining up those head shots a lot easier when your native dpi is 6400.

6400 is insanely high! My mouse goes up to 10k but I keep it at 1300-1700, anything higher is too sensitive for me.

Mine goes up to 12k, lol.
I usually use 1.5k, sometimes 3k.

Yeah I don't go any higher than 2400 myself but every so often I'll do 3200 depending on the game. And I usually use the Aim button on my mouse for a "convenience" command" like quick save or something.

I use my aim button to go into Guard Mode in For Honor and use skills in others.