Hey Guys,
I recently just built my first gaming PC and I have a question regarding the AIO and setting it up. Initially I installed the H100i V2 and plugged it into the CPU_FAN header on the motherboard. Everything turned on without any errors and my temps were good both idle and under load. However I did notice that in corsair link my fan RPM was 0% (even though it was spinning) and the pump RPM seemed a bit low. To fix this I had to disable the Q-Fan completely in the BIOS (which seemed a little odd to me, not that comfortable changing things in the BIOS).
Doing more research online I read that you can set up the AIO two different ways:
1.) Plug it into the AIO Pump header doing it this way will give you a CPU_FAN error since nothing is plugged in that header. I'd need to ignore the CPU_FAN in BIOS to stop that error if I went this route.
2.) Plug into CPU_FAN header but you need to go into BIOS and "Disable" Q-Fan (so it gets the static 12V to the pump).
As of right now I'm doing #2 and have disabled Q-Fan in the BIOS. My pump RPM is where it should be and the fan RPM is registering in corsair link. I guess my question is which way is everyone selecting when installing an AIO? Also is the way I have it set up the correct/most optimal way? Just trying to figure out the pro's and con's of each. (i've called corsair and asus and heard two different answers).
Also below is my build list in case that will help anyone in answering my question.
PC Specs:
I7 7000K
Corsair H100i V2
ASUS ROG Formula IX Motherboard
Corsair Vengeance 16G 3200 RAM
Corsair 850 Watt Power Supply
Corsair 760T Case
Samsung 512 SSD
2TB Barracuda HD
LG Blue Ray Player
I recently just built my first gaming PC and I have a question regarding the AIO and setting it up. Initially I installed the H100i V2 and plugged it into the CPU_FAN header on the motherboard. Everything turned on without any errors and my temps were good both idle and under load. However I did notice that in corsair link my fan RPM was 0% (even though it was spinning) and the pump RPM seemed a bit low. To fix this I had to disable the Q-Fan completely in the BIOS (which seemed a little odd to me, not that comfortable changing things in the BIOS).
Doing more research online I read that you can set up the AIO two different ways:
1.) Plug it into the AIO Pump header doing it this way will give you a CPU_FAN error since nothing is plugged in that header. I'd need to ignore the CPU_FAN in BIOS to stop that error if I went this route.
2.) Plug into CPU_FAN header but you need to go into BIOS and "Disable" Q-Fan (so it gets the static 12V to the pump).
As of right now I'm doing #2 and have disabled Q-Fan in the BIOS. My pump RPM is where it should be and the fan RPM is registering in corsair link. I guess my question is which way is everyone selecting when installing an AIO? Also is the way I have it set up the correct/most optimal way? Just trying to figure out the pro's and con's of each. (i've called corsair and asus and heard two different answers).
Also below is my build list in case that will help anyone in answering my question.
PC Specs:
I7 7000K
Corsair H100i V2
ASUS ROG Formula IX Motherboard
Corsair Vengeance 16G 3200 RAM
Corsair 850 Watt Power Supply
Corsair 760T Case
Samsung 512 SSD
2TB Barracuda HD
LG Blue Ray Player