AIO leak precautions?


Apr 14, 2017
How stupid of an idea is it to hang a tray from wires attached to the top of the case underneath the waterblock of an AIO cooler? My thought process is that if I do that then maybe it will prevent a leak from getting on my GPU on the rare chance that it happens. That or maybe some kind of sealant around where the waterblock meets the CPU?

I'm asking because I see a lot of people being worried about leaks, but not a lot of people trying to think of ways to minimize or prevent damage when/if they happen. I don't know if these are good ideas or not, but I figured it can't hurt to try to think of idea, y'know?
Although the possibility is there for a leak, there are going to be quite rare in reality. You can certainly find pics and videos of this happening to folks, but for as many AIOs are in use, the percentage of those having an issue is going to be very low. It's much more likely the user would damage the AIO during install than a defect from the factory. Reputable companies also have warranties than cover components that are damaged if a leak occurred and caused it. I've ran two basic Corsair AIOs(original H60 and an H60i) in 2 PCs for years as daily drivers, and never had any issues.
Although the possibility is there for a leak, there are going to be quite rare in reality. You can certainly find pics and videos of this happening to folks, but for as many AIOs are in use, the percentage of those having an issue is going to be very low. It's much more likely the user would damage the AIO during install than a defect from the factory. Reputable companies also have warranties than cover components that are damaged if a leak occurred and caused it. I've ran two basic Corsair AIOs(original H60 and an H60i) in 2 PCs for years as daily drivers, and never had any issues.