G GraySenshi Reputable Apr 15, 2016 758 0 4,990 Jul 24, 2016 #1 Basically I'm making a home server and put the 6600 in there what would be a good passave cooler I can get for it I plan on having a fan as a worse case scenario
Basically I'm making a home server and put the 6600 in there what would be a good passave cooler I can get for it I plan on having a fan as a worse case scenario
Solution bwen1 Jul 25, 2016 Passive cooling server may be a bad idea as all the hot air is trapped in there and not being let out.
Passive cooling server may be a bad idea as all the hot air is trapped in there and not being let out.
bwen1 Reputable May 28, 2015 389 1 4,960 Jul 25, 2016 Solution #2 Passive cooling server may be a bad idea as all the hot air is trapped in there and not being let out. Upvote 0 Downvote Solution
Passive cooling server may be a bad idea as all the hot air is trapped in there and not being let out.
G GraySenshi Reputable Apr 15, 2016 758 0 4,990 Jul 25, 2016 #3 Well what's the quietest I can get it being in my bedroom and I really cont care for fan noise Upvote 0 Downvote