News Alibaba launches RISC-V-based XuanTie C930 server CPU — AI/HPC chip ships this month, more designs to follow

The article said:
we may never get our hands on the chip to see for ourselves.
Well, Chips & Cheese recently examined the Xuantie C910. Their analysis was supported by benchmarking the LicheePi single-board computer, which utilizes the T-HEAD TH1520.
So, it's conceivable we'll get some incarnation of the C930 that we can actually benchmark, if not access to a full fledged server, itself.

The article said:
RISC-V adoption is one of the only paths for Chinese companies to push forward their CPU innovation
Loongson seems to be the other main push, at the moment.

Also, don't forget about VIA/Zhaoxin and their x86 activities. Here are some relevant benchmarks (the article also contains benchmarks of Loongson 3A6000):
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Do you have any evidence whatsoever that there is a CHIP shipping next month? I don't believe it.

The C930 is a CORE. When a core ships, that means that the HDL (e.g. verilog, a computer disk file) is made available for licensing to customers and those customers can then start to design a chip using it, which will then be available several years later.

The C910 was similarly announced/shipped in July 2019. It took until July 2023 and January 2024 for machines using the TH1520 and SG2042 chips to be delivered to customers -- the Sipeed Lichee Pi 4A and Milk-V Pioneer respectively.
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