Its amazing to see that in the days of trying to reduce e-waste and carbon footprint
there are still companies around the globe tryting to sell poropietary parts for such a low volume sell and common thing like a gaming PC.
Don't get me wrong, I can understand DELL, HP and Lenovo doing it for business desktop PCs, which for the sell volumes probably make sense.
Its a real pitty for the asking price to buy this stuff knowing that once it gets older you won't be able to change the mobo to use a new CPU, or even add more RAM later down the road if you are a content creator trying to get more work done faster.
I guess most gamers buying this don't care for any of that, and just want a PC where they can press a button and have the system running out the box, and a phone number to call if they can find the web browser, or if they don't know how to change windows background image, or where to plug the printer.