Alienware M14xR2 Graphics Issues

John Q Publik

Mar 10, 2013
Hi, I've been having weird graphics issues with a refurbished Alienware M14x I bought from eBay (looking back on it, this seems to be two mistakes in one). Here are the specs (or at least those that I considered relevant):
Processor: Intel Core 3rd Generation i7-3840QM Processor (8MB Cache, up to 3.8GHz w/ Turbo Boost 2.0)
Memory: 16GB RAM at 1600MHz
HardDrive: 750GB SATA Hard drive 7200RPM
HardDrive: 64GB mSATA
Display: 14.0" Widescreen Display High-Definition WLED 900p
VideoCard: 2 GB DDR5 NVIDIA GeForceGT 650M using NVIDIA Optimus technology

The issues I have been having are very odd. What worries me most is that it sometimes will start up with lines flitting across the screen randomly, always going horizontally. I took a short video of it:
This has happened probably around 3-5 times while I have had the laptop, and I have noticed that it seems to happen when it's colder in my house. It did it when I started it up today, and the temperature in my house was around 60° F. In the past, the temperature has been around the same if not colder (sometimes I let my house get down to 51° F). I have also noticed that it will begin to subside and eventually disappear after a bit (it disappeared in about 15-30 minutes today, I left and it was gone when I came back).

The other issue I have is with FPS in certain games. I play Mafia II a lot, and have noticed that it has the tendency to slow dramatically after a few hours of play (from 40-60 FPS to around 10). I have read that this is possibly due to a memory leak in the game, and that restarting the game or the computer will fix the problem; however it is different for me. I have found that restarting the game and/or the computer hasn't helped, but restarting, putting the computer in hibernate (without playing the game), then restarting again fixes it. I have been thinking that it has something to do with putting my computer into hibernate, but I don't always put my computer into hibernate when it happens. I have looked at the temperature/GPU load while playing when the FPS is normal and when it is low, and it's always around 60° C at 99% load. I have all the settings on the highest settings available, except vsync is off and PhysX is off (PhysX makes it stutter a bit when I'm inside a building). Here is a screenshot of the settings (fullscreen is usually on, I turned it off for the screenshot):

Another thing that I have noticed is that I don't necessarily have to play Mafia II in order for it to happen, it has also happened in GTA IV, and after I have played Team Fortress 2 then started Mafia II (TF2 wasn't slow at all when I switched).

Another weird thing that has only happened once was that it lost all power after I unplugged the power adapter from the wall a while back. It had been plugged in for hours, and my friend was playing Mafia II on it when I unplugged it. I left it unplugged and tried to start it again, but it wouldn't start, but as soon as I plugged it back in again it started up, then I unplugged it right after logging in and it kept on going. This has only happened once.

I honestly have no idea what is going on. I've tried to find a solution everywhere, but I am wary of calling Alienware tech support. From what I've heard, they sometimes accuse people who have bought from eBay of "stealing" the computer; then I heard another nightmare story where someone would send it in and get it back with a different problem until the warranty ran out. I have transferred the warranty to my name, and the person I bought it from on eBay sent me the details to transfer it right away and seemed perfectly honest; I also looked him up on Google and he seemed reputable. I really love the computer, and apart from the graphics issues, it works perfectly. If you need more details, don't hesitate to ask, and thank you for helping me!
I think I know the solution now, in case anyone needs the information- the flickering lines were actually a hardware issue, but Alienware replaced the motherboard and nothing changed in Mafia II, so I did some more research. Apparently the GPU throttles once it reaches around 65-67° C (my new motherboard goes to 69° then throttles back to 68°). According to what I've read (I am in the process of testing it) it can be fixed by a) using Nvidia Inspector to kill the throttling or b) stopping the computer from ever reaching the throttling point by repasting the GPU/CPU with higher quality thermal compound and/or using a cooling pad. More information here...
The lines happen when I start it up, so they happen through everything. However, the FPS slowdown, as far as I can tell, only happens when I'm gaming. The drivers are up to date, and I have tried reinstalling them and restoring the computer to before it started happening, but neither worked.
The temperature while idling is usually around 42° C, I tried the benchmark in Mafia II and the highest temperature it got to was 65° C at 99% load. Here is the log from the start of the benchmark to 2 minutes afterwards, idling:
I have tried GPU-Z when I'm having the low FPS issue, the temps are about the same.
Navigate to dell support, enter your service tag, select driver downloads and see if there's an update for your BIOS. Check the current version and see if there's newer ones. if there's, follow the instruction until you successful update your BIOS.

I just did that, I'll try running Mafia II and see if it will slow down again. By the way, thank you for helping me!

Hi again, sorry if you thought I had kind of disappeared- I figured I'd see what would happen after a week (I probably should have told you, sorry). I haven't really done much gaming, apart from leaving Mafia II running, unpaused, for hours to see if it would slow eventually (it used to sometimes make it slow, it hasn't happened since I tried your suggestion). Based on this past week, I think that the FPS issue *might* be fixed; however, I'm still getting the lines. What is different this time, however, is that before they wouldn't appear at all, then suddenly I'd get a flurry of them and then they'd fade and disappear again (when I wrote this question, I was prompted by the fact that my computer screen had so many lines flitting that it almost looked like TV static, but by the time I got a camera to take the video it was subsiding)... now, I've noticed that a line will just pop up randomly as I'm using the computer. It doesn't happen that often, I've noticed it probably once or twice a day, if at all, and it's just one line- this is confusing me even more.
Vertical or horizontal lines are almost caused by a Physical problem in your graphics card or a driver problem, but since it's just happening while you're on desktop and it's more like a physical problem, also it may be a driver as well. You said before you're on the latest driver. Express uninstall all your graphics drivers and software, reboot then download Driver Sweeper and clean any extra graphics files. After that download the latest drive from this link.

Hmmm... so far I haven't seen any lines after doing this- I hope it's fixed. I'll give it another week to see.
I turned it on today and the lines were back- I still have a hunch that it has something to do with temperature (it's 62° F in the house right now). However, I tried doing something that I should have done before, and took it into another room and plugged it into a monitor (HDMI). The picture was only showing up on the monitor, and it instantly stopped... when I set it up to also show on laptop screen, the lines were gone there too. The monitor's resolution is higher than the laptop's, if that is relevant.

I realized that I didn't reinstall the Intel HD Graphics driver... I just did it, I'll see what happens. I feel like it's software because it stopped when I plugged in the HDMI cord, and I hadn't reinstalled the driver...

I'll call Alienware, I guess... if I find out anything to the contrary, I'll update this for anyone else who is having the same issue. Once again, thank you for helping me!
I think I know the solution now, in case anyone needs the information- the flickering lines were actually a hardware issue, but Alienware replaced the motherboard and nothing changed in Mafia II, so I did some more research. Apparently the GPU throttles once it reaches around 65-67° C (my new motherboard goes to 69° then throttles back to 68°). According to what I've read (I am in the process of testing it) it can be fixed by a) using Nvidia Inspector to kill the throttling or b) stopping the computer from ever reaching the throttling point by repasting the GPU/CPU with higher quality thermal compound and/or using a cooling pad. More information here:
dont know if u still have a prob, but your laptop runs on dual graphic adapters, and all your ram is hardware dependant, meaning that when you have to reinstall you os, your mem leak causes you to lose driver setting and they must be reinstalled manually, thats not so bad except thatthey have to be installed in a certain order or your laptop wont run correctly at all. now saying that, your proper order is (without reinstalling the os completely) downrade your intel hd adapter to the generic microsoft supplied graphic driver, and then install the nvidia graphic adapter first, then reinstall the updated intel hd adapter, update your intel/ivy bridge adapter(this allows them to run together) then right click on a program and it will say the usual open/run/runas admin/etc... but it will also say run with graphic adapter, hover over that setting and the last option should say, set default graphic adapter, welll i personally like my nvidia to be dominant but the intel adapter is supposed to be stronger, so set whichever you like as the main. also you should open the laptop clean then fan cause its not even close to sufficent for that hardware, so its gonna run opten and loud, and should be clean, lastly you need to update your intel management driver, this one controls the power settings and thermal settings for your whole rig but most important the led and processor temp. this laptop is a beast but it has many quirks, but when its running corrrectly its unstoppable. if you have any more probs let me know, and heres a list of drivers in order that you should install. you need to install them in order, but you can update them however you like.