All games on my computer crash, can someone please help me.

May 3, 2018
so around November last year i built my first PC i was excited but this computer is the most annoying thing in my life and is going to kill me as it has never had a game on it that hasn't crashed, every single game from league of legends to skyrim nothing will work, i brought a new graphics card and it seems to have gotten worse. my specs are:
AMD Ryzen 5 1600 Six-Core Processor
Gigabyte Radeon RX 580 Gaming 8GB Graphics Card
Corsair 8GB (2x4GB) 3 DDR4 2133MHz Vengeance LPX DIMM Black
Gigabyte GA-AB350M-HD3 AM4 motherboard
Corsair VS650 ATX Power Supply
If anyone can help it would be super appreciated i really need this.

They are all different but for the longest time they all lead back to my drivers, overwatch crashes with the message your rendering device has been lost and all other games display something related to the graphics card the crashes always crash to my home screen, but i still sometimes getting crashes going to blue screen saying video_scheduler _Internal_error. I've tried everything in relation to changing or updating or reverting drivers nothing works ever. I just got a crash in overwatch saying "Overwatch has crashed in the graphics driver, if your graphics are not up to date please consider updating them, if the issue still persists please contact customer support

if everything is crashing and you are sure its not some silly program like you didnt installed directx , visual redist.. and stuff
then i would suggest to do a refresh of your pc its safe and doesnt deletes any personal data.. or you can do a clean windows install....

my ac black flag was also crashing once .. after reinstalling windows it worked like a charm..