All my files deleted by itself?

Nico Santosa

May 27, 2014
Hi,yesterday i downloaded portable hex editor and today i use it to copy some japanese text inside a file but suddenly the text editor said that the file has been deleted after that i close the hex editor and found out that all my files&folders on "My Document" got deleted by itself even no warning pop up appear so i run a virus scan but there are no virus(when i downloaded portable hex i scan that file too),and after that i recover all my data using data recover software,i recover some file on my documents but if i open my document to long it would close and my desktop is blank for a second(yea,not event taskbar and icon appear).so maybe it is a hard disk fault?(But my E and other directory was safe)...

Any suggestion for me about the problem?I think i will scan my computer with different antivirus(i use AVG Free)