I booted up my computer and everything boots fine, but when i open steam everything is uninstalled. Originally i thought it was just a steam issue, but now both origin and blizzards launcher have been uninstalled and so have the games. i have my os on an ssd so i thought maybe the hdd failed but i have all of my downloaded files, all my movies, yet all other games are nowhere to be found on hdd and the freespace has increased drastically justifying that claim. I'm sure theres no easier way to get my games back than using a backup or redownloading them, but is there something i can do in the future to keep this from happening? i'm especially confused since this hdd is only 2 or 3 months old and i bought it new. Any help is greatly appreciated! i should also note that League of Legends is still installed, along with stacraft brood war, i'm assuming because they werent associated with the launcher suites like steam/origin/blizzard, which could make the problem launcher suite specific
i should also mention my "Programs and Features" section under control panel has double copies of all the games i reinstalled, yet when i try to uninstall the copy with the older date it uninstalls both, and there are some programs that don't even show up on the list that i would like to uninstall (AVG for example)