all pc games freezing possibly overheating


Mar 5, 2014
recently my pc has started to experience freezing problems playing all my pc games i can play them for about 5-10 minutes before problems start

for Xmas 2014 i bought far cry 4 and middle earth shadow of mordor for pc however i could only play them for about 5-10 minutes before they would black screen crash forcing me to press ctrl alt delete and select log out which would exit the game or restart the pc

i noticed that shortly before crashing the computer's fans would go rather loud and would quickly calm down after the game was closed if i exited the game via the log out method

thinking it was the new games stressing out the pc
i tried a few games i played on the pc before with no problems and they suddenly have the same problem happening as well loud fan and freezing

i also gave the pc a good cleaning to make sure it wasn't dust related and tried again yet it's still happening

here's my system specs Ive had the computer since Xmas 2013

custom built (the shop built it for me)

(no overclocking)

windows 8.1
intel(R)core (TM) i7-4770 CPU @3.40GHz
memory ram 16.0 GB
64-bit op
graphics card AMD Radeon hd 7900

if you need any more information let me know

Overheating is possible, it's also easy to find out. If you get some PC health monitoring software (should be some on the disks for the MB or Video Card, if not, plenty of free ones to d/l) and let that run in the background, it'll record the heat and you can go from there.

Another quick test you can do is take the side off your case after 15mins playing the game and stick your hand in. If the air in there feels hot - like omg melting in the sun hot - then it might be some of your case fans aren't working properly etc.
Your GPU, may be over heating. Or it burnt out. I would run so e test. Or look for a program called SpeedFan to see how hot your CPU and GPU are getting. If either are over heating, look further into the problem(maybe replacing one or the other). If neither are overheating, then they maybe a virus. Then run some anti malware programs. If any thing. Get more fans.