All PC games stutter only in fullscreen


Nov 4, 2012

I've got a fairly new gaming rig that experiences a massively noticeable stutter about every 3 seconds during gameplay. I've tried everything from reading forums: updating my BIOS, updating GPU drivers (up to date with 310.33), enabling/disabling vsync in-game, in control panel, or in D3D overider, and enabling/disabling SLI. But nothing seems to fix it. I've also tried having my game being the only program running at the time. This has been happening for as long as I can remember.

Then I tried running it in windowed mode and it seemed to stop for me. I was wondering if there were any other fixes other than that because I don't want to be running my games windowed.

My specs are:
AMD Phenom x4 965 3.4ghz
Galaxy GTX 560Ti
Geforce GTX 560Ti
ASUS M5A99x evo mobo
Thermaltake Smart M750W PSU
Brand new 128gb SSD (games)
350gb HDD (OS)

Here is a video of the stuttering which you can easily depict towards the end of the video. Although it should be noted this video will be live in 38 minutes as of this post.

Here is a shot of my voltage and temperature readings. My GPUs reach a maximum of 78-79° C


Oct 29, 2012
I have had issues with friends using the same model video card, but from different vendors (usually BFG Tech + eVGA or Galaxy + anything). To identify if one of the cards is being a prick, you should disable the SLI and pop one out. Run on one video card (turn graphical settings down) and see which card stutters. If both work fine, the next step would be to look at a timing issue with the RAM. I would be leaning more towards a video card in this issue, but it may well be the RAM as well. To test the RAM, download something like Memtest, boot your system into it, and run the complete range. It can take a while depending on the amount of RAM in your system.

As for the temperature, if your card(s) are overheating then you should see graphical distortion. More often than not, in my experience, overheating cards cause texture corruption or polygons taking up the entire screen.
