All ports are closed/stealth


Nov 13, 2016
Hello, recently I had moved internet service providers hoping for a better connection to the web and various other connectable interfaces. The connection is much better than my previous provider, but there is a major problem. All of my ports are in "Stealth mode" (My general understanding is that this is better than closed, for security), so I cannot host any of my game servers.

EA7300 Linksys AC1750 Router
CAT6 Ethernet Cable (Connection from router to my Desktop PC)

Extra Information:
I'm honestly not sure what type of modem I have, but my service provider is Bright House.
The ports I am trying to open (port forward) are 25565, 27016, 27015, and other common gaming ports.

Please get back to me as soon as possible,

EDIT* Modem Brand is Arris
EDIT** The issue is solved, thanks.
Hi there what do you mean by other connectable interfaces????
All incoming ports are closed by default for security.
For incoming connections you either rely on upnp to open them automatically or you have to manually forward ports to your machine.
Research "port forwarding" online.