All usb ports stopped working

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Sep 9, 2018
Last Friday, when I started up my pc, none of my usb ports were working correctly. My keyboard and mouse still lighted up (they're rgb), but my pc didn't respond to any inputs of them (because they're usb connected) so I can't even log in.

I've looked all over the internet to search for a solution, and while there were people with similar problems, none of them had the exact same problem as me. I tried to use the most popular solutions to their problems (most of those problems were fixed by shorting out the bios or taking out the cmos battery) but neither worked for me. I did manage to reset the bios, but it still didn't recognize the keyboard and mouse.

Something that's also weird is that when I shut my pc down by holding down the power button, my keyboard and mouse are still giving off light, and the pc even still charges my phone.

Something even weirder is that when I press the power button, the screen goes black, but my pc is still on (my graphics card still gives off light, and so do my keyboard and mouse), but if I then hold down the power button, it does completely shut down (keyboard, mouse and charger included).

I've already tried my keyboard and mouse on a different pc (and they worked fine), and tried a different mouse and keyboard on my pc (which also didn't work). I really hope someone here can help me. I've had my pc for about 7 months now and this is the first something like this has happened.

I don't know why it happened, but my pc had been acting up a little the night before (I was playing the battlefield 5 beta, and when I wanted to eventually play something else and tried to open, it wouldn't let me open it, so I decided to shut down the pc. My pc has two 'off' buttons, one restart button and an actual on/off button. When I wanted to stop playing, I accidentally hit the restart button, it didn't do anything, and I became impatient, so I held down my actual power button, I think this may have caused the problem).

relevant specs
windows 10
graphics card: GTX 1080 Ti 11g
processor: intel i7 8700k
mobo: MSI z370
8gb of ram
Modecom MAG D1 DRAKKAR Full-Tower
Does your mouse work while in BIOS?

If XHCI and EHCI handoff are enabled in BIOS try changing it to disabled.

Did you move mouse to different USB ports? Try the port(s) next to the PS2 keyboard port.

If possible boot Windows 10 in safe mode. If your USB ports work there then your Win10 may be the fault.
My mouse sadly does not work in BIOS, and I tried every usb port for my mouse.
And how do you boot windows into safe mode, I thought you needed a keyboard shortcut for that, which I can''t use because my pc doesn't read the keyboard inputs.

Oh, and the way my pc boots up is a bit different from most pc's I believe, It basically just shows a picture of the bios and then it jumps to the login screen

Do you have a PS2 keyboard? If you've a PS2 port you could try that to get into BIOS and make sure USB ports are fully enabled.

No, I do not. Is there any other way to find an answer to my problem that I could do myself, or should I just send it to a pc repair shop?

You've already tried the 'battery pull' CMOS reset so I'm kinda tapped out at this point. If you don't have access to means to enter BIOS I'd say yes, a shop is necessary.

Either that or go buy a cheap PS2 keyboard: I got one for $5 just to have on hand when I had problems getting USB to be recognized once. Maybe someone else will read this and have some ideas.

looks like your usb drivers got "frozen" while using fastboot/fast startup
turn of your pc (hold power button for 4+ seconds until it shuts down)
unplug keyboard/mouse from usb ports
start your PC without usb key/mouse
once u get to login screen, connect it, drivers should get resetted (it takes a few seconds)

This is not necessarily related to the ps/2 stuff, but whenever I completely reset the BIOS, it gives a black screen with some white text (f1 to continue, f2 to SETUP), when I shut it down and restart, it doesn't load that screen anymore but my startup screen, but it then doesn't load windows. When I shut it down and start it up AGAIN, it loads windows again, is that normal

I'll definetly try it, and I hope it works.

EDIT: nope, it didn't work
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