News Alleged AMD RX 7700 and RX 7800 GPU Performance Leaked


Feb 12, 2007
Improve FSR and Raytracing to the level of Nvidia, and I'll reconsider. For now AMD is just not interesting to me.
I won't say about FSR, but it's raytracing performance that hurt AMD sales so badly. Even if not very common, people don't want to buy a product that, when the need for RT comes, won't deliver like the competidor does. Unless AMD vastly improves its RT power, Nvidia will always be seen as superior.


May 31, 2023
I won't say about FSR, but it's raytracing performance that hurt AMD sales so badly. Even if not very common, people don't want to buy a product that, when the need for RT comes, won't deliver like the competidor does. Unless AMD vastly improves its RT power, Nvidia will always be seen as superior.
When the need for RT comes... I've seen people doing this reasoning since 2018 and yet you still don't realise that when that far away time eventually comes, you'll likely have gone through 2 GPUs even if you don't upgrade every generation.
I think the problem are the customers that buy a future promise that is years in the future, today.
Of course, the native performance in ray tracing is better on Nvidia GPUs, but good luck playing any RT game native.
By the time the next big game comes out, your shiny new GPU that felt like a beast yesterday will already start to feel insufficient (*cough* RTX 3080 *cough*).


Oct 30, 2009
With this stagnation gpu game AMD is playing with Nvidia, will AMD continue to give free advertisement for Nvidia when showing off it cpu delta gains?
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Oct 14, 2017
What did AMD smoke this gen? They are copying Nvidia strategy of bringing the same performance at overly priced lvls but without frame generation bs to market? I mean c'mon!! Who gives a *** about a 7800 if it's just another 6800XT??? These gpus are all DOA Unless that 7700 is coming out around $350 and the 7800 at max $450 AND there is a actual 7800XT coming next.

Also, hose 3dMarks scores are off . Here are the actual scores and price for each card

6700XT - $250 - 12500 (used)
6800 - $350 - 15000 (used)
7700 - $400~$450 - 15500 (new)
6800XT - $400 - 17500 (used)
7800 - $450~$500 - 18000 (new)

I would not buy a 7800 for more than $450, specially when the RTX 3080 os also selling for $400. I don't care if its used, GPUs can last more than 10 years. These are the market prices for used cards right now, give me something new that can compete at this price level or gtfo with your DOA over expensive stuff. Not too long ago GtX 1060 came out at $300 beating the last gen $600, now they are giving us $600 that cant beat the last gen $300
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Apr 4, 2019
All the people complaining of the lack of RT... reminds me something like 15 years ago
oh yes ! it was the same BS about PhysX !

exactly the same : "yeah it's kinda useless for no but who knows !, i dont want to miss out on this new feature"
people even bought cheap entry level nvidia cards as physx accelerators.

and yet, nobody gives a damn about physx anymore. Havoc works for everyone and make one of your core work like 10%, big deal.

I am sure Nvidia has several more ideas of "revolutionnary" proprietary tech for the years to come. People forget...


The only meaningful comparison is when these are compared to 7600 and 7900XT and 7900XTX. They belong to the same architecture are are somewhat comparable with only one test!
And no point of comparing with 6800 that is soon out of stock... If you can buy 6800, buy it now when you still can.


Apr 17, 2015
How is AMD able to follow Nvidia every bad step of the way is interesting, almost as if there was some duopoly or something. I am still waiting for interesting 1440p GPU with 16gbs of vram for around 550-600€, in my country there is nothing, just 350-400€ bracket filled with 3060s and 6700XTs (also a770 16gb) and then huge void until 7900XT for 850€. Sad times on the market.
All the people complaining of the lack of RT... reminds me something like 15 years ago
oh yes ! it was the same BS about PhysX !

exactly the same : "yeah it's kinda useless for no but who knows !, i dont want to miss out on this new feature"
people even bought cheap entry level nvidia cards as physx accelerators.

and yet, nobody gives a damn about physx anymore. Havoc works for everyone and make one of your core work like 10%, big deal.

I am sure Nvidia has several more ideas of "revolutionnary" proprietary tech for the years to come. People forget...
I liked PhysX and used it when available - added some fun, albeit unnecessary, effects to games, however NVIDIA killed it themselves. With an older NVIDIA card running as just a PhysX accelerator, I and others could still enjoy it while using an AMD card as primary, but NVIDIA blocked the feature which was otherwise working fine, so there you go.


Jun 8, 2021
I don't play any games that take advantage of ray tracing. So all I care about is rasterization performance.
Neither do most the parrots that keep repeating "But AMD RT performance sucks yo!" I swear, all they do is look for excuses to justify Tuber's peer pressure.
Even if not very common, people don't want to buy a product that, when the need for RT comes, won't deliver like the competidor does.
Guess what? by the time that we have a good library or RT games, those GPU's will be incapable of running them, given the stupid performance hit that even that magical 4090 does get and only gets away thanks to fake frames.
When the need for RT comes... I've seen people doing this reasoning since 2018 and yet you still don't realise that when that far away time eventually comes, you'll likely have gone through 2 GPUs even if you don't upgrade every generation.
Amen. I call current RT a gimmick and will do until we get a GPU that is capable of doing full PT at 4K@120 FPS without fake frames generation AND the GPU cost no more than 400 bucks.
All the people complaining of the lack of RT... reminds me something like 15 years ago
oh yes ! it was the same BS about PhysX !
Is the sheep mentality, cant think for themselves.
I liked PhysX and used it when available - added some fun, albeit unnecessary, effects to games, however NVIDIA killed it themselves. With an older NVIDIA card running as just a PhysX accelerator, I and others could still enjoy it while using an AMD card as primary, but NVIDIA blocked the feature which was otherwise working fine, so there you go.
And thats when I dumped Ngreedia.
In my book, DLSS is the same kind of software trap that they love just to keep you locked into their hardware.
But here we are, with these damned Tubers, like the ones at Ngreedia Unboxed, that makes you believe that DLSS is the second coming of jesus or something like that, instead of calling it out as to what it really is, a cage to keep you locked in.
Jul 18, 2023
why buy 7700/7800 when 6600 is all you need? and 6600 already extremely fast haha
Why buy rx 6600 if you can get 2nd hand rx 5700 xt for dirty cheap (got mine for $124) it plays 99% of games at nice framerate with high or better graphic details
Jul 18, 2023
I liked PhysX and used it when available - added some fun, albeit unnecessary, effects to games, however NVIDIA killed it themselves. With an older NVIDIA card running as just a PhysX accelerator, I and others could still enjoy it while using an AMD card as primary, but NVIDIA blocked the feature which was otherwise working fine, so there you go.
Nvidia never really completely dumped PhysX a lot of games are still using that physics engine (except Unreal and Unity since they have their own equivalents) but it's running on CPU and it's vastly limited by the devs in what it could do, all to save the performance since they think that gamers are no longer interested in environment destruction (they are wrong).


Jul 10, 2015
Neither do most the parrots that keep repeating "But AMD RT performance sucks yo!" I swear, all they do is look for excuses to justify Tuber's peer pressure.

Guess what? by the time that we have a good library or RT games, those GPU's will be incapable of running them, given the stupid performance hit that even that magical 4090 does get and only gets away thanks to fake frames.

Amen. I call current RT a gimmick and will do until we get a GPU that is capable of doing full PT at 4K@120 FPS without fake frames generation AND the GPU cost no more than 400 bucks.

Is the sheep mentality, cant think for themselves.

And thats when I dumped Ngreedia.
In my book, DLSS is the same kind of software trap that they love just to keep you locked into their hardware.
But here we are, with these damned Tubers, like the ones at Ngreedia Unboxed, that makes you believe that DLSS is the second coming of jesus or something like that, instead of calling it out as to what it really is, a cage to keep you locked in.
You nailed it!
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Jun 8, 2021
Nvidia never really completely dumped PhysX a lot of games are still using that physics engine (except Unreal and Unity since they have their own equivalents) but it's running on CPU and it's vastly limited by the devs in what it could do, all to save the performance since they think that gamers are no longer interested in environment destruction (they are wrong).
Incorrect, the industry smelled the trap and moved to open sourced options.

Sadly, for weird reasons, the same thing is not happening with FSR/XESS vs the locked down (and BS ridden, see DLSS2.x vs DLSS3.x fake hardware requirements) even though those options works on a wider share of GPUs'.

I feel that we have changed (for the worst) in htis aspect, because the industry always gravitated towards open standards, not this Bs called DLSS.
Sadly, for weird reasons, the same thing is not happening with FSR/XESS vs the locked down (and BS ridden, see DLSS2.x vs DLSS3.x fake hardware requirements) even though those options works on a wider share of GPUs'.
I think that in the long run FSR will reign supreme over DLSS just as FreeSync has taken time to be the de-facto standard for VRR. Sure companies still make G-Sync specific monitors, but they aren't as common as just saying "G-Sync Compatible."
All the people complaining of the lack of RT... reminds me something like 15 years ago
oh yes ! it was the same BS about PhysX !

exactly the same : "yeah it's kinda useless for no but who knows !, i dont want to miss out on this new feature"
people even bought cheap entry level nvidia cards as physx accelerators.

and yet, nobody gives a damn about physx anymore. Havoc works for everyone and make one of your core work like 10%, big deal.

I am sure Nvidia has several more ideas of "revolutionnary" proprietary tech for the years to come. People forget...
gpu accelerated physics dead the moment intel buy havok to prevent havokFX from happenning. then nvidia get Aegia for themselves so they can continue to push the idea. a year later AMD try to promote Bullet as an open source alternative to PhysX (accelerated by OpenCL). but in the end it does not matter if open source solution exist or not. developer simply not intrested with gpu accelerated physics.
How is AMD able to follow Nvidia every bad step of the way is interesting, almost as if there was some duopoly or something. I am still waiting for interesting 1440p GPU with 16gbs of vram for around 550-600€, in my country there is nothing, just 350-400€ bracket filled with 3060s and 6700XTs (also a770 16gb) and then huge void until 7900XT for 850€. Sad times on the market.
bad step in what?
I liked PhysX and used it when available - added some fun, albeit unnecessary, effects to games, however NVIDIA killed it themselves. With an older NVIDIA card running as just a PhysX accelerator, I and others could still enjoy it while using an AMD card as primary, but NVIDIA blocked the feature which was otherwise working fine, so there you go.
nvidia is the only company that truly push gpu accelerated physics. Bullet exist as an open source alternative and not even a single developer that use Bullet ever use the gpu accelerated portion of engine in their games. similar to multi gpu. the only one that interested to push it is gpu maker. DX12 and Vulkan finally put multi gpu support in game developer hands. it pretty much kill the tech in games.