If we ever have another GPU shortage as bad as the last one, these will be great for gaming. I am still waiting for normal ryzen 8000 leaks though. I predict that the normal ryzen 7 8600x will have a 5Ghz+ base clock.
With the popularity of things like the steam deck and all the various portable gaming PCs, in concert with the popularity/interest in Nintendo Switch 1/2, I believe we'll see a lot more titles aiming for iGPU gaming at reasonable frame rates. So APUs like these could well grab a good portion of the gaming market at the lower end and portable gaming. Nvidia certainly hasn't been helping the space in the discrete market, side eyes 40 series GPUs with their price and performance increases or lack there of as you move down the stack. And AMD was equally as bad playing along with the launch prices.
Having options in the case of another GPU shortage sounds nice but I worry they will ultimately fall short. I do have the worry that even APUs will be targeted. Every time the gaming market thinks they have found a fix for issues like this, some company (or country) finds a new killer use/app that uses the 'new' parts and we are right back where we were. I could see where desperate AI start-ups grab APUs in another crunch scenario. I knew issues like this would become more and more problematic way back when governemts started using networked consoles as computers back in the PS2 (?, Iraq rumored to use them in clusters)/XB360/PS3 eras. Though I truly hope I am wrong....it would be nice if PC gamers had at least one 'safe' market they could depend on like the days before CUDA (in Nvidia's case)...