Allocate more RAM to APU but Crappy BIOS


Dec 15, 2017
So I have an A8 5500 APU from AMD, every game I play I run into VRam limitations, from what I have seen this APU is fairly fast all things considered, but my BIOS on my motherboard is so bad there isn't any option to allocate more Ram to it, its stuck at 512mb's, I have 8gb's and I want to allocate 2gb's to the APU but I can't through the BIOS and i'm wondering if there is any sort of software or Windows setting to allocate more without using the BIOS.

AMD A8 5500
8gb's DDR3 1600mhz
Win 8.1

P.S I know I'm going to get told to buy a GPU but I don't have the money for one and my 16x slot is dead, so don't bother.
Question from jacobweaver800 : "Bad BIOS Can't Allocate RAM to APU"

Sorry for the repost, I have a bit more info to offer. I have an older HP Pavilion desktop, its about 4 years old, I recently went into my BIOS to try and allocate more than the 512mb's (stock amount) of Ram dedicated for the APU for VRam since I'm constantly running into VRam limitations in most games, but my BIOS is really bad and it has no options to dedicate more Ram. I am wondering if there is a way to allocate more Ram without using the BIOS. I have done some looking and the only way I have found works only for Intel Integrated Graphics, I want to allocate 2gb's to the APU since I have 8gb's of total memory but I haven't found a way. Let me know if there is any more information you need I'd be happy to provide it.

AMD A8-5500
8gb's DDR3 1600mhz
Win 8.1

P.S I know the best option is to buy a dedicated card, but my 16x slot is dead and I don't have the money to replace the board.

You need to find it on IGPU setting (by peripherals i think) in your MOBO it schould be there bc its an APU and thats esential for it.

I'll look when I get home, but if it has anything to do with my BIOS it won't work. My BIOS is just too bad to do anything, and I've checked every option in it and couldn't find anything pertaining to my APU at all.

Whats you Mobo type?

It's some sort of foxconn board, it's from an HP prebuilt. I can get you then model of it later

OK i hope we find a solution :)

I hope so too, I'm considering buying a new board since the 16x slot is dead and I can't upgrade to a discrete card later. I'm not too sure on that yet.

I got even a better APU than yours A10-6800K & upgradet later to A10-7850K plus i bought a R7 250 2GB DDR3 in Crossfire Mode but it was only a waste of time and money. Now im owning a i3 7100 + GTX 960 im very happy with them almostin every game +60FPS. My suggestion is either you buy a Ryzen or some new Intel stuff like 8th generation not 7th bc they addet to every CPU+2 cores.

Cool, I already know that. If you would have read it you would have seen that I don't have the money to be spending on a Ryzen APU or CPU and a GPU. I would have to get a new mobo, DDR4 which is expensive rn, the CPU or APU, a better PSU, and possible a GPU. I would love to do that but I don't have the money nor the income to do it. It just seems like your bragging a bit with your rig. Keep in mind I didn't pay anything for my A8 5500 rig.
You didnt tell me your MOBO?
I whuld suggest you search ebay for Xenon CPU & Mobo they are rlly cheap they give deacent performance and you can get them for maybe 70$ both.

1. It's about 30 dollars for a new fm2 motherboard. 2. Xeons don't have integrated graphics so I'm stuck with an old used cpu and i have to buy a gpu then too. Also I don't have the money. Buying something is out of the question right now.

Ok thats normal if you dont have the moey know. If you cant change your RAM size in your Mobo thats maybe a reson bc they are PCs made for Office use and 512 MB are more than enough, been honest i wouldnt spend money on that you cant play late games or multiplayer they need more CPU power and GPU. Even your RAM speed is 1600MHZ and it does affect rly hard your performance. BUT you know better if i where you i wouldnt spend money on that anymore.

I'm not too worried, after all I got the pc for free from an office, I know what it's meant for, also I don't play demanding games like cs go or GTA5, I really only play easy games like Minecraft or TF2, which it handles fine, but I wanted to get into Fortnite and I'm VRam limited in that game as well as a couple others. I considered buying a fairly low end gpu like a gt 1030 or maybe a GTX 1050 or really what ever i can find for a decent price, but I would need a new motherboard since my 16x slot is dead.
Yeah thats true and a much better decision, my sugestion would be you buy some old AMD grafiks card for 30 dollar like HDxxx ones. Fortnite is not very gpu intensive i achive on low grafiks ez 300 fps not like PUBG who is hard to get 60 fps.

Yeah, well I have an old radeon HD 5450 that i have overclocked in my old pc but I'm ram limited in that once since it's running ddr2 533 mhz with a Pentium d 945

Chek it maybe it gona handle it

No, I tried already on a much easier game. I tried Roblox and its barely playable on lowest settings with an overclocked card that I know runs that game extremely well on high settings. The CPU is no slouch either, a dual core at 3.4ghz, I had an old Athlon 2 250 wich is a dual core at 2 something GHz and ran that game just fine with the same card not overclocked. The only difference is it was running DDR3 instead of DDR2.