So I have an A8 5500 APU from AMD, every game I play I run into VRam limitations, from what I have seen this APU is fairly fast all things considered, but my BIOS on my motherboard is so bad there isn't any option to allocate more Ram to it, its stuck at 512mb's, I have 8gb's and I want to allocate 2gb's to the APU but I can't through the BIOS and i'm wondering if there is any sort of software or Windows setting to allocate more without using the BIOS.
AMD A8 5500
8gb's DDR3 1600mhz
Win 8.1
P.S I know I'm going to get told to buy a GPU but I don't have the money for one and my 16x slot is dead, so don't bother.
AMD A8 5500
8gb's DDR3 1600mhz
Win 8.1
P.S I know I'm going to get told to buy a GPU but I don't have the money for one and my 16x slot is dead, so don't bother.