Dont Panic
The 1070 has a TMax of 94C then it will either heavily throttle itself, lock it's clock to a incredibly low amount until you reboot (my old GTX460M would lock at 250Mhz whenever I hit 87C) or it turns off the computer as if the power had gone out (RIP unsaved game progress:lol: As a general rule you have to keep your temps 10-15 degrees lower than the Tmax while under load, meaning you can safely run the 1070 80C for its lifetime. I ran my old GTX460M overclocked to 810Mhz hitting into the 80s under heavy load for 6 years, it still works. But now I have a desktop.
What case are you using?
Overclock Clarification
you said you added to the preprogrammed clock?
the 1070 strix OC editions come with gaming mode default. So you have a set turbo boost clock of 1910Mhz? (Show us a picture of your Overclock settings in whatever overclocking software you use (Win10 takes screenshots with Window key+printscreen))
OC Mode - GPU Boost Clock : 1860 MHz , GPU Base Clock : 1657 MHz
Gaming Mode (Default) - GPU Boost Clock : 1835 MHz , GPU Base Clock : 1632 MHz
OC Mode - GPU Boost Clock : 1860 MHz , GPU Base Clock : 1657 MHz
Gaming Mode (Default) - GPU Boost Clock : 1835 MHz , GPU Base Clock : 1632 MHz
OC Mode can be adjusted on GPU Tweak II
Personal 1070 Strix non OC Edition OC Experience
I have my non OC Asus strix 1070 at overclocked to 2088Mhz 112%power target (only OC editions get 120% no fair
😛) I maxed my voltage slider to +100 (you can max it without worries the cards are locked by Vbios to a max safe over voltage by Nvidia) Just yesterday I managed to break one of the fan's blades. Now I can't run it at over 60% fan speed until my replacement fan comes in or it rumbles more than an N64 rumble pack
Personal RE7 Experience
Played RE7 for about an hour (Just Now, Specifically for the sake of this answer) I set the fans to manual steady 45% I was using the highest settings at 1080p with a bit over 100 frames on avg and the highest temp I have recorded on HWinfo is 65C.
Ambient Temps?
What is you ambient temperature on HWinfo?
what is your temperature in your house?
Set your GPU fan to 100% with the Nvidia control panel power management at optimal power. check the GPU temp. If there is a temperature variance of more than 10-20C. You might need more case fans. My house is at 22.7C and my GPU idled with 50% fan speed at 28-30C (before I broke off one of my fan blades). I only have the 1x 120mm rear exhaust and 1x 120mm top exhaust that came stock with my NZXT S340 They are NZXT FN V2 fans with only 1 speed rated at 1200 ± 15% RPM.
Case Fans
How are your case fans setup? You always want the exhaust fans on the top and rear, Never put intakes there. (heat rises, setting intake fans up there will just create a vortex of hot air)
Possible CPU Bottleneck
What temperature does your CPU max at when playing RE7? It could affect you GPU temps.
Maybe it is Defective?
As for aftermarket cooling solutions. I am surprised you need one with the ASUS strix, Maybe it is defective. What temp does it idle at with the fans completely off and the Nvidia control panel Power management set to Optimal Power. (Prefer max performance is pointless on the 1000series GTX. Why would anyone want their GPU running at max Clock and voltage on the desktop :lol: Optimal power raises it based on need, I have not noticed any difference in performance ) It should hit around 35-40C. (unless your house is hotter than that) If not it might be defective.
Possible Aftermarket Air Cooler
this seems compatible and highly effective.
Use IC7 Diamond Thermal Paste on the installation of an aftermarket aircooler
It is the best Thermal paste out there (I can't believe I used to swear by Arctic Silver 5) IC 7 is 92% diamond powder (synthetic ones of course. (yes synthetic diamonds are a real thing)) This makes it extremely thick, and is what makes it so damn good. Thermal paste is meant to fill in the gaps between chip and heatsink. With a stated liquid content of only 4%: Overtime it should not create air bubbles/gaps between the chip and heatsink. This leads to superior performance in the long run. Although compared to Arctic Silver 5 instant performance increase is only about 5C. I used to have to change my AS5 thermal paste every 6 months or so as I would see temperatures rise to 60 idle on my old alienware laptop after application I would get 40C. The IC7 removes that hassle.
Still not sure about compatibility with aftermarket coolers?
When I take apart my card to change the fan I broke I could give you the measurements of the components on the naked GPU.If someone hasn't given a solution by the time I change my fans. I'll come back.
Liquid Cooling?
Sorry I do not feel confident in my knowledge on liquid cooling to advice you with that. But unless you want to run a Custom loop on all your components it seems pointless.