Alternative to asus B75M-A


Mar 15, 2014
I've been searching all the stores in my region and haven't been able to find ASUS B75M-A. What are my alternatives without sacrificing quality:
1. find asrock/gigabyte conterpart
2. ASUS H77 series (but AFAIK, this one doesn;t support OC)
or is there any other alternative I'm not aware of?
for now, I won't do any OC, but if possible, I would like to keep that option open in the future (without burning my wallet though).
and also, what does M in ASUS P8H77-M LE mean? micro ATX? does that mean that the mobo will be small, and thus will make it more prone to problems down the road? thanks

I never wrote that Newegg would ship to Jakarta; I merely provided a link to prove B75 motherboards exist. It really is up to you to find them in Jakarta. If they don't exist, then get an H77 motherboard. Very few home users would buy a B75 motherboard when H77 motherboards offer more features for approximately the same cost and I certainly can't blame a small reseller for not selling them.

Asus uses M to identify Micro ATX motherboards (as do ASrock, Gigabyte and others).
and what's the downside of micro atx motherboards compared to normal motherboard? does their smaller size have impact on longevity or performance or anything else? because like laptop where everything is cramped up in a confined space, things tend to break more easily and you'll start experiencing failures way sooner than a normal PC. thanks
Other than fewer slots and usually less features, there's no downside to micro ATX motherboards; performance will be the same as a full ATX motherboard. A quality motherboard should last for a long time as long as it's installed in a properly ventilated case (often an issue with laptops).