Am I being DOS attacked?


Jun 10, 2013
Ever since like a couple days ago, my internet seems to be notably slower. Just using the internet or seems slower than usual on all my devices connected to my home network: pc, ipod touch, etc. My computer or ipod touch themselves arent slow, it just seems to be the internet. The most noticeable thing, besides the speed of google searches now, is that YouTube videos load a lot slower now. And the thing that got me to finally ask was just right now after trying to post a reply to a thread on Tom's, it said my request timed out which never really happens. Call me paranoid, but something must be going on. I have the ATT U-verse Elite plan which offers pretty slow internet speeds in general, but what are ya gonna do. Either someone (or something) like infected me with a virus and leeching my internet, im being attacked, or my ISP is just lowering speeds or something.
Hoping you guys can shed some light and give me some advice as to whats happening. Thanks!

Just turn it off and on?:lol: But really, since its ATT U-verse, its all connected to the ATT router/modem box that was included and all our recordings here would be erased... apparently thats defcon 1 in this houshold:no:
What recordings are you talking about? Resetting your modem and/or router should cause no problems as far as erased data as far as I know, although I'm not familiar with ATT U-Verse at all. But a quick Google search and browse doesn't show any warnings or anything.

Are you using a modem that has a router built into it, or are you using a separate modem and router? How long have you had them? I'm assuming they've never been reset based on what you're saying

Sorry, by recordings i mean dvr recordings on tv. The entire Uverse package is connected: phone, tv, internet. The included router is a router and a modem in one i believe since thats all we got besides the set to boxes for tv. If the modem/router box is turned off, the tv boxes and phone will also reset. I have never really messed with the router/modem that was included and never have had to, honestly, im not even sure what the difference is between a modem and a router.

 this is actually the router/modem box i was talking about that was included when we got ATT Uverse
Your recordings will be fine. I guarantee that nobody would build a DVR that would lose all its recordings if the power went out, for example. All your content will be saved onto a hard drive. Modems and routers NEED to be power cycled every so often. I power cycle mine usually once a week. Again, how long have you had this particular setup?

A modem takes an internet signal and feeds it to a computer. A router takes that modem signal and splits it, so that multiple computers can be online at once. Almost anybody that has a modem is also going to have a router, it's just that some modems have routers built into them, so that you have only one component instead of two.

Normally, a standalone modem can only feed internet to a single device. So, a router would be used to share the internet among devices. At my house, I have my modem feeding my router, which in turn feeds my PC and XBox 360, and also a wireless signal feeding my IPad, two IP cameras and cell phone, plus whatever else people bring over while visiting.
As a u-verse customer also I can tell you that if you reset your router you won't lose any television as others have stated. You have a separate DVR for recording. The routers can usually be rebooted simply by unplugging for thirty seconds and rebooting.

Some things to consider about U-verse:
1. If someone in your area signs up for U-verse that can have an adverse impact on your speed until U-verse adds more fibers in your neighborhood. I know that's not the exact truth technically but it's a simplified description. U-verse was great when we first got it but then they kept adding houses and the communication lines couldn't handle the traffic until they upgraded some of their equipment.
2. The more devices you have running on your connection the slower things will be. The same is true if you're recording or watching TV.
3. If you're experiencing slowness in your PC run some antivirus software first. If you haven't done so, download McAfee free of charge. It's included with your U-verse account. You may have some spyware or something else that needs to be cleaned up.
4. Make sure your signal is as strong as possible. You may need to move your PC around to get a better wireless signal. You may also be able to move the router depending on how they wired it. You can do a search and find some free signal analysis software to help you pick up the best channel on your router, etc. Also, run speed tests on multiple devices to see what you're getting.
5. If all else fails, call AT&T support. Be forewarned, though, that if your router is in a bad location they may want to charge you $150 to move it. When I first had issues they moved mine free of charge but ended up jacking up the wiring. When I informed them that their tech made the problem worse they told me that it would be $150 to move it back as they would have to rewire things. Hence one of the reasons I'll be going to Xfinity as soon as my contract with AT&T is up.


So this thing basically works off of ATT&T's LTE network?

Makes a lot of sense now between the two, thanks. Ive probably had this setup for years, at least a couple im sure. The same tv set top boxes and ATT Uverse "gateway"(router/modem box) have been used since they were installed by an ATT tech.
I might have also found the answer to my question... I was reading THIS and it says that 802.11n is newer and better than the 802.11g that is in the Uverse gateway included. I also just read somewhere that the new 802.11n is better for speed and for multiple connected devices, which is what i would need since i have like 4 devices usually using our home wifi and plus the computer with a hard wire connection to the gateway.
Of course, im still new to routers and switches and networking overall, so ill have to look into a new router probably and how to set it up with the Uverse gatway working too

EDIT: reading this and saw this:
802.11g max speed is 54Mbit which would be enough for browsing the internet.

802.11n max speed is 450Mbit which is great when streaming video over the network. Also it has a better coverage area.

personally a dual band router might work great when you have many wireless devices like cellphones, laptops, desktops which can make use of the different frequencies.
I think most of the AT&T routers are 802.11g unless you pay extra for their top of the line service. By the way, if you want to get into the router and reset it without powering it down or if you want to change the channel, etc., you can go to

I believe the password, etc., are on the back of the box.

Yeah, theres quite a few things connected to our home wifi usually. My pc seems fine, i have AVG 2014 free edition running scheduled scans everyday and updates everyday. Ive had nothing but problems with McAfee in the past. My pc is hardwired to the gatweway so signal is no issue, but ive never heard of channels for wifi, can i do that signal scan you said for wifi connected devices like an ipod touch?
If your PC is hardwired then I'd do a quick series of speedtests to see what speed you're getting. Try it on multiple devices. If it is relegated to your PC then you know it's the issue but if most or all of your devices are hitting within the same speed range then you know it's a problem with AT&T. If your PC speed is okay and your wireless devices are showing a slowdown or some other sort of signal degradation then change the channel on your wifi and your devices will be able to automatically pick it up. Also, to determine the ideal channel if that is the case, try the metageek freeware provided below.