Am I Being Spied On At Work? HELP HELP HELP!

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Apr 5, 2016
In my Start menu at work on a Dell PC with Windows 7, are two eyeballs with a green square around them and it says line says Start WinVNC Service and the next line says UltraVNC Server ..when I click on one of them it says that winvnc an instance is already running in the background...I've never seen this in my Start menu before ....WHAT IS GOING ON?
They should be able to review the log of all ip addresses that connected to the system, if they are using something like Windows Server software to manage the server. We had to look at the log at our office a few years back when we suspected someone was trying to hack in and we saw several ip addresses from Eastern Europe had tried (or did) get in.

I did. First I went to the TSS...and then he called Central Office Head of Tech Security. They sent a guy and he ordered a re-imaging, but then they hit the brakes.


I work for a very large school district that is being sued by a parent and we're in the local news. They are looking for the leak. However, IT said that admin can't use VNC and that yes, of course, it's on our computers at work, they can't use it.

They did a remote access to check VNC history and it didn't show anything.

So, my question is, why is this in my start up menu?

Can a virus put UltraVNC in your start up twice?

I thought only recently used programs are in Start up

So, the security director sends an email and copies five other people plus my TSS at work and says they will check the system...that was yesterday morning.

Do you think they are checking to see if someone tried to get in and if they did...can they locate that if it didn't register on my computer VNC history?

I work from some shady characters.

BUT, my TSS says that IT will NOT tolerate employees or managers trying to remote access in...only IT can do that.

I think they tried. Plus when I got home, all of my work email was in my desktop iMac cable internet account and I never sent it there. AND when I went back to work the next day...all of my work email was wiped.

I hope they can locate who did this.

Can they?

Question: Let's say they got did they get to my Time Warner home email? I do log in sometimes from work, but I didn't the day I suspect they did this. One of the managers...his Dad came in that day with a big envelope and the creepy manager and his Dad and the head boss went into the conference room...for a loooong time and then that afternoon when I went home, that's when I saw work email in my home account. No, that day I didn't log into my home account via a web based log's just weird.
And when the IT department did a "live" remote access search in the VNC history it showed no history. Our TSS knows management is super shady and he says the IT department will report any employee or mgr who attempts remote access log in because it's against our privacy policy AND the won't tolerate that...cuz only an IT specialist is allowed to do that and upon request and they have to inform or ask you. They are now "investigating" the system...can they find the log in or the IP address of the computer that tried to get in, but it didn't show a history? How do IT people find it? Can they?
They should be able to review the log of all ip addresses that connected to the system, if they are using something like Windows Server software to manage the server. We had to look at the log at our office a few years back when we suspected someone was trying to hack in and we saw several ip addresses from Eastern Europe had tried (or did) get in.

Cool...cuz I think Eastern Europe is around the corner and in the big office.

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