Am I grounded?

Assuming the round pin is the ground pin then yes you are (I'm not in the US so I'm not familiar with grounding standards there), but please don't go poking wires into outlets like that. It is not a great Idea.
Any metal bodied appliance should have a ground on it's casing even when switched off, find something like a toaster and touch the body of it fairly often.
Also avoid wearing static prone clothes. A lot depends on climate as well, in high humidity static is less of a problem.

If you want to make a ground connection bang a bit of steel (copper is best but any conductor is good enough for anti static purposes) into the ground and run a wire to it
Yes you are grounded in that configuration, and you are one quick movement of that wire away from being ELECTRICUTED by the hot line.
So serriously, DONT use that setup

Get rid of this configuration and use a U or O shaped ring terminal and connect it to the screw on any outlet (you can solder a longer wire if you need to).
This screw goes into the center of the outlet which is tied to the outlet ground.


Mine doesn't have that screw