Am I unlucky or missing something obvious when breadboarding


Jun 23, 2016
It has been more than 5 years since I built my last computer, so looking for some verification that I am not missing something obvious, since I seem to have received 2 dead motherboards in a row.

Intel Core i5 4460

Breadboard approach, on a plastic cutting board:
1. Install CPU and heatsink and fan and connect fan to MOBO
2. Connect PSU 24-pin connector to MOBO
3. Connect PSU 8-pin connector to CPU power
4. Connect 4-pin case speaker to mobo
5. Power up PSU

Result: No beeps, no CPU fan, but the green MOBO LED is lit.

Additional steps:
A1. Install 1 stick of RAM and power up, still no beeps and no CPU fan
B1. On PSU (not attached to MOBO), short green wire and power up to see PSU fan run. Also used multi-meter to check all outputs of the PSU power pins are sending correct power amounts.
C1. Sent 5V to case speaker to ensure it makes noise when it gets power, and it does.

I am RMA'ing it, but if someone sees something obvious could help when the replacement comes.

You might be right! I did *not* jumper it when breadboarding.
We'll see when the replacement comes (already shipped it off).