AM3+ CPU upgrade


Apr 16, 2017
Hi guys, i am thinking of upgrading my current CPU which is AMD phenom x4 925 but i have no idea which is a good AM3+ Cpu. My motherboard is Asrock 880g extreme3 and i have a 550w PSU. Any suggestions??

My goal is to have smoother gaming, video recording and video rendering. I am thinking of upgrading my whole mobo to something else and paring it with Ryzen 7 1700.
Yeah, this motherboard supports 7th gen and 6th gen, and Asrock has good quality in general. I cant recomend it if you want overclocking tho.

yes going ryzen would be the best upgrade path for you, you would not get a huge performance boost going with an FX cpu and it isnt cheap either.
Ryzen is new tech, ddr4 ram, more and more powerfull cores, the promise they´ll keep am4 socket for future upgrades so yeah ryzen is your best bet imo.
Given that your motheboard will not provide a stable overclock, and that the 6300 is bassically upgrading to medicore 2011 performance I would not suggest to spend any more money on AM3 platform.

You should either go RYZEN or Intel.
Right now the absolute best bang for buck is a Pentium G4560 + B250 motherboard. That plus 8GB DDR4 memory will run you less then $200 USD.
This setup is way better then your current setup, still a good sized step up from a 6300, and you still have an upgrae path as you can always drop an i5 or i7 in it latter for a big jump in performance
My bad, say upgrade AM3+ cpu but missed the Ryzen 1700 part.

If OP can afford that then go for it.
With that said, if this is a gaming only rig then i7 7700 will perform better.
Only time will tell how many more games will be optimized for Ryzen so it is equal/better to kabylake CPUs gaming performance.
Thats a tough one.
If money is an issue, then go with a skylake i5, or a kaby lake one. If you can buy a Ryzen 1700, then go for it
I would really recommend avoiding older AMD chips. They arent worth it, even for multitasking.
Two answers here.
1. Go with a new Ryzen build, reuse what you can, PSU, GPU, case if you want to;
2. If you buy all new gear, look at an FX-6350 for the old build and you can have a capable back-up or 'other' tasking machine if necessary for little cost.

Oh hey its me again, as i consider all your suggestions, im thinking of going with this first because im in a tight budget. As i live in Hong Kong, i searched all computer shops and most of them sells the Intel Pentium G4560 at around HKD$400-500 (60-80 USD). However I saw in craigslist that theres a guy who is selling a brand Asrock B250m PRO4 for HKD$550 (80USD), will u suggest for me to buy that motherboard?