Question Amazon eero 6 Wi-Fi router help


Aug 20, 2016
i have been looking at frontier communications in our area for internet. it seems they use this router and maybe 3 of them connected together . the Amazon eero 6 Wi-Fi router

can anyone tell me is this Amazon eero 6 Wi-Fi router a dsl router or does it actually connect to a terminal station on the home and that terminal station has the fibre in it. i ask because yesterday i called frontier and they told me Muskegon mi had no fibre system in it for frontier. so i'm confused. and the rep claimed that price online was for a dsl setup using that Amazon eero 6 Wi-Fi router.

also can anyone tell me if the Amazon eero 6 Wi-Fi router can be connected to my network with cat5 cable and then let me see my security system on my phone like i can do now? and can you get into the Amazon eero 6 Wi-Fi router to manage your network like you can do with cable type router/modems where you can block, add or change ports and port forward? thanks
It does not have DSL but there might be other models that do with similar names.

These units are mostly sold to people who like trendy thing that look fancy. Mostly it is the same as any other router but they put it in a little puck like box. Pricing has come way down though so I can't poke fun at as much as before.

You would have to read the manual to see what actual features it has. Almost all routers have some kind of port forwarding ability.

It is going to depend on exactly which type of connection you have from frontier. A lot of the fiber connections are stuff they aquired from verizon. Verizon uses MoCA connected look like a cable modem/router but it is running moca. Verizon give the option to use a ethernet port on the ONT fiber box.

Now there are forms of fiber that use DSL. These are normally fiber to the curb where they run copper line from the fiber termination point to your house. These use DSL on the final copper part and you need a very high end DSL modem or router.
Because it seems the fiber is actually in your house I don't think you need DSL.

This is a question for your ISP. You need to see exactly what they are placing in your house.


As bill001g points out, this device will work with cable modems, fiber, etc.

Having just helped a former co-worker set one of these up, the Eero has two ports. One will connect to what ever device provides your physical internet connection ( cable modem, for example). In your case, the second port could be connected to a small switch to allow multiple LAN connections.

I get the impression from discussions on TG that WiFi is not a major driver in terms of your needs AND this network has many devices connected within it.

Please provide a complete picture of what you have and need in your network so that others don't need to drag out the details to help you get to a solution.

Nearly any modern router will meet your needs.


Aug 20, 2016
that eero 6 wifi box looks like it has cat5 type ports on it so i wonder if i can use either my combo cable box the netgear c3700-100nas or the linksys ac1900 mv-mimo or the combo netgear 1900 nighthawk ac1900 unit. that i have? does anyone know? i wonder if frontier will either drop a new line or use the old line and then install a different interface that converts the old phone jack to the cat5 type ports does anyone know about that? take a look at the terminal on the pole i linked in dropbox for you below.

it appears from talking to frontier that we do not have true fibre in our area but they brag about having 500mbps 1gbps 5gbps that sound like fibre but very well could be some type of dsl.

i now have cable internet from comcast and a combo modem router and the router connects to a network switch that has 24 ports and i also have 5 and 6 port switches around the home to link cameras to and pcs and tvs etc the switches are the netgear type and are unmanaged.

ok this is what i have out on the pole frontier installed a new line in 2020 and in 2021 they terminated that line then it looks like they just moved the old phone lines over to the new terminal box. it just looks to me to be phone lines but when they installed that line the installers told me it i was fibre. so that terminal may be some type of converter and it may have the speeds built into it and then whatever speed you pick they plug your drop into the proper speed port on that terminal. maybe someone can id this for me? the terminal on the left is the new one and the new cable run.

if i can use my current routers i can order this and use my gear and be done with it. thanks

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As already discussed, you don't need a new router to do what you want. The Eero will work, but really isn't a necessity.

Your current combo modem/router (C3700-100NAS) is a poor performer and you will not need the modem part of the unit with the new fiber based system. I would recommend dumping this device altogether.

Any of the routers mentioned will allow port forwarding and configuration options to meet your needs.

Time to make a decision and move out, my friend. Have a great day.
Again ask the ISP what you need.

If they run fiber to the house then they will put a box in your house and you can likely just user ethernet. If they use the old phone lines you are going to need a DSL modem of some kind. In many cases you must used the ISP device because they are using special bonded DSL in many cases. You might be able to have your own DSL modem but it would be even more important that you get one that will work on the ISP system.

If they talk about more than 500mbps they are not going to use DSL to run it to your house.

The ISP wants your money and it is their job to sell you their service and answer questions that are basically what do I need to get it installed.
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