News Amazon Strikes Back: Judge Blocks Microsoft’s JEDI Contract

In the business world, if you talk trash about a company, you basically forfeit your right to get contracts from them. Why should this situation be any different? Bazos forfeited his right to do work for the Trump administration as soon as he opened his mouth in criticism. If I talked trash about a company, submitted a bid to do work for said company, and get rejected, I'm not going to call my lawyer. Just because you're rich and powerful doesn't mean that you won't reap what you sow.
What you describe is in violation of the law with regard to the bidding process for government projects. It's one thing for a private company to make a bad decision out of spite. Trump has done plenty of stupid stuff in private business (and wound up with multiple bankruptcies) because of his ego and narcissism.

This is PUBLIC money. The taxpayer's money.

Don't make excuses for Trump's delicate ego. If he interfered with use of public funds, government bidding, because of a petty personal vendetta, then he broke the law.

If you WANT a country where the leader is a king or dictator, and appeasing and flattering him is the path to success, there are plenty of countries out there like that. They're run by some of Trump's bestest buddies.
Trump breaking the law? whats new, I bet he breaks the law daily. Thats what kings do. He is above the law. As stated by his chief of staff " we do it all the time. get over it"
What does this have to do with the President?

First ... Amazon merely "claims" interference. Correction: someone claims that Amazon claims interference.

Second ... lawsuits are built around claims. In the end some claims are upheld and others rejected.

But for now ... the claims mean nothing. They're just claims. And they might not even be part of the suit.

So don't be jumping to conclusions.